Page 184 - Bonhams Fine Chinese Art Nov 2013 London
P. 184

168                                                                     169
A soapstone figure of a lady                                            A soapstone figure of Guanyin and child
17th/18th century                                                       17th/18th century
The lady carved with hair swept up to one side and stained black, the   The smooth stone of greenish hue carved as a seated figure of
right hand raised and holding a short flute, the left hand enveloped    Guanyin with smiling expression and slanting eyes beneath a high
in the swirling sleeve of the long robe intricately carved with floral  chignon topped with an embroidered veil, the left knee raised to
medallions and cloud scrolls and fastened at the waist with a ruyi      support a boy playing with a box inscribed with the character wang,
head, all with traces of red and green staining and gilding.            his right foot outstretched to rest in the Guanyin’s right hand, his
29cm (11 1/4in) high                                                    tunic and shoes painted red.
£4,000 - 6,000                                                          9cm (3½in) high
HK$50,000 - 75,000	   CNY39,000 - 59,000                                £3,000 - 5,000
                                                                        HK$37,000 - 62,000	           CNY29,000 - 49,000

十七/十八世紀 壽山石雕仕女立像                                                        十七/十八世紀 壽山石雕送子觀音

                                                                        Compare a related figure of Guanyin/Avalokiteshvara in the ‘Q’
                                                                        Collection, dated to the early Qing dynasty, sold in our Hong Kong
                                                                        rooms, 25 May 2011, lot 255.

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