Page 401 - Bonhams Fine Chinese Art Nov 2013 London
P. 401

1960s-1970s FROM YANGZHOU

Yangzhou, at the meeting of the Grand Canal and the              Key nationally-approved images in prints and paintings were
Yangtze River, is the site of the ‘No.1 State Lacquer Factory’,  readily adapted for use on some of the plaques, as it was
which is the source of these splendid lacquer panels. The        important for all the arts to convey messages in tune with
group of panels offered in this sale represents probably the     one another. Other important features were social realism,
most remarkable and innovative group manufactured in             recognition of the importance of women’s efforts, and
the 20th century. The larger panels offer the appearance         that art existed solely to record the whole population’s co-
of grand Western-style oil paintings, but also deploy the        ordinated achievements.
elaborate traditional carving techniques of Chinese lacquer      After Mao’s death in 1976, and the ensuing massive political
to add richness and variety of texture and depth. The            and economic changes, much of the ‘Public Art’ of his later
plaques are unashamedly political statements, stressing that     years was destroyed. This was in the mistaken belief that
the highly controversial ‘New Society’ has transformed the       the achievements of these years had been a wrong turning.
old, enriching the country and restoring China to its leading    On their return from exhibition, having served their prime
place in the world.                                              purpose, the lacquer was put into inadequate storage at the
The history of the plaques before 1997                           back of the State Lacquer Factory. Probably it was natural
Yangzhou has been the source of China’s finest lacquer for       caution that encouraged the plaques’ storage rather than
at least 2000 years. Quite possibly the famous eared oval        destruction.
cup was made here, whose inscription (with a date equating       In the event the radical political changes of the 1980’s meant
to AD 4) mentions ‘the 13 supervisors responsible for its        they found no further use.
manufacture’ (see N.Macgregor, History of the World in 100       By 1997, under the direction of Senior Master Li Duanhua
Objects, London, 2010, chapter 34). It was therefore natural     (their original production supervisor, now in charge of national
for the Chinese Government to commission from Yangzhou,          lacquer quality control), many of the plaques were carefully
during the twelve years after 1966, these fine monuments to      refreshed towards their original state.
celebrate what the Government regarded as its recent past        THE SENIOR MASTER LI DUANHUA AS CREATOR
and present achievements.                                        Senior Master Li Duanhua was born in 1942 and entered
The wholesale re-organisation of the country during this         the Yangzhou No.1. State Lacquer Factory in 1958 as an
turbulent period ensured that the factory was glad of            apprentice to Senior Master Zhai Yong Shou. He specialised
the work. The finest artists working in the field (such as       in mother-of-pearl inlay. In 1965, at the remarkably early
Lu Xingtang, a pupil of Fu Baoshi) created the designs,          age of 23, he was appointed to the position of Master
and senior masters such as Zhang Yu and Li Duanhua               of Lacquerware after reaching a high technical standard
supervised the production of the panels to the highest           and despite having had no revolutionaries in his family
standards. Cost, resources and time constraints did not          background.
apply.                                                           After the start of the Cultural Revolution, the young masters
The plaques were commissioned for leading government             took control of production at the factory. Li Duanhua took on
figures such as Lin Biao. Jiangdu Pumping Station was            the major task of ‘The Red Lantern set. He worked seven
ordered by the Beijing government and exhibited there            days a week from dawn to dusk, and there was no electricity
before touring nationwide. Others, like The Story of The         for light. He recalls that period as one of being filled with
Red Lantern, took over 15 months to complete, and were           great spirit. There was no commercial pressure or time scale,
first displayed in Nanjing before going on public exhibition     just a compelling desire to produce their finest work in the
in Beijing. Their subject matter was carefully attuned to        name of the Revolution. Although often exhausted, he could
the wishes of Mao Zedong’s wife, and followed one of the         hardly wait to get back to work in the morning, singing Mao’s
standard theatrical models of the day.                           songs on the way. He then worked on another plaque, The
The subjects chosen were important to country’s leaders,         Official Opening of the Yangzi River Bridge, as Senior Master
displaying the perceived achievements of the ‘New China’,        in charge.
and in particular presenting an impression of the harmonious     Towards the end of 1972, after finishing the plaque The
working together of the Chinese peoples under the new            Great Union of All the Races of China (lot 404 in this sale),
social order.                                                    he was transferred to the No.2. Light Industry Bureau as
Key subjects were:                                               Revolutionary Movement Officer.
- technical and scientific achievements/water control and        In 1978 he returned to the No.1 Factory as Vice-Director in
management;                                                      charge of technical production. In 1982 he was appointed
- giant infrastructure and civil engineering projects;           the Vice-Director of the Yangzhou Art and Craft Research
- social harmony of all the races of China;                      Institute. In 1985 he was appointed National Lacquerware
- martyrs who built the ‘New China’ and its society;             Quality Control Office for the whole of China, based at the
- the primacy of ordinary people and their happiness with        National Lacquerware Control Centre at Yangzhou. Over the
China today;                                                     winter and spring of 1997-1998, Senior Master Li Duanhua
- defending the borders of the ‘New China’; pride in its         supervised the restoration of the Cultural Revolution plaques
natural beauties;                                                in this collection, and he believes these plaques to be
- famous moments commemorating the rise of the reborn            amongst the finest lacquerware to have been produced.
- Chairman Mao and popular loyalty/accord with his aims;
- praise for other Party leaders and famous associated
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