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           AN INSCRIBED DOCUMENTARY         the official residence of Chen Mansheng at Liyang   清    陳曼生式、楊彭年及郭頻迦款宜興扁石壺
           MANSHENG-TYPE YIXING             in the autumn of Jiaqing yihai year (1815)  and   「彭年」「阿曼陀室」印
           STONEWARE TEAPOT AND COVER       the names of the fifteen literati who attended.
           QING DYNASTY, SIGNED YANG        The shoulder is also inscribed with an elegant   題識:
           PENGNIAN AND GUO PINJIA          inscription in bronze seal script.  茗商第一千三百七十九頻迦識。嘉慶乙亥秋月
                                            The fifteen literati listed in attendance at the   桑連理館製。
           exquisitely potted of rich reddish-brown   party were: Jiang Tingxiang; Qian Shumei; Niu
           stoneware, the facetted compressed globular   Feishi; Zhang Laojiang; Lu Xiaofu; Zhu Litang;   江聽香、錢叔美、鈕非石、張老薑、盧小鳧、
           body set with a curved spout and a loop handle   Zhang Shengya; Shi Xinluo; Gao Xiquan; Shi   朱理堂、張殅厓、施辛蘿、高犀泉、釋嬾堂、
           at the angled shoulders, the raised flat cover   Lantang; Gao Wuzhuang; Miu Langfu; Sun   高午莊、繆朗夫、孫仲疋、沈春蘿、陸星卿同
           surmounted by a semi-circular loop knop,   Zhongpi; Shen Chunluo and Lu Xingqing. It is   品定并記。
           inscribed on the exterior in ancient script with an   likely that a number of commemorative teapots
           inscription reading ‘Shutao made this hu vessel to   were made, possibly for all those who attended   夷陶作壺其永寶用
           be treasured and used forever’ and dated Jiaqing   the party, and others are recorded, including an
           yihai year (in accordance with 1815), the base of   identical teapot from the collection of K.S. Lo,
           the handle impressed with a square seal reading   included in the exhibition I-Hsing Ware, China
           Pengnian, the base impressed with a square seal   House Gallery, New York, 1977, cat. no. 17, and
           reading Amantuoshi               illustrated in K.S. Lo, Yixing: From the Ming
           16.7 cm, 6⅝ in.                  Period to the Present Day, Hong Kong, 1986, p.
                                            64, pl. XXX1, and discussed on p.107, where the
           HK$ 300,000-500,000
           US$ 38,400-64,000                author extols the sheer level of importance in the
                                            inscriptions, a ‘who’s who of scholars and artists
                                            of the period’, and notes how Guo Lin (Guo Pinjia)
           This is one of a series of teapots of documentary
           importance in encapsulating the literati approach   demonstrated his skill by carving the archaic
           to teapot appreciation in the early 19th century.   bronze-style inscription on the shoulder of the
                                            teapot in dazhuang script Shutao zuo hu qi yong
           The extensive inscription intricately incised
           in kaishu records that the piece was made to   bao yong (‘Shutao made this hu vessel to be
           commemorate a literati tea-tasting party that   treasured and used forever’).
           took place at the Hall of Interlocking Mulberry,

                                                                                  Other View
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