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           A FINELY CARVED IVORY ‘HORSES OF MU       清十八至十九世紀   牙雕穆王八駿圖筆筒
           WANG’ BRUSHPOT
           QING DYNASTY, 18TH – 19TH CENTURY         來源:
           of cylindrical form, the exterior deftly carved in relief with eight   英國顯赫私人收藏
           horses and five groomsmen in a riverside landscape set with
           jagged rocks and knotted pine trees, four groomsmen hauling
           horses by the river while another holds a bucket feeding a
           horse, the ivory patinated to a warm honey tone, wood stand
           16.8 cm, 6⅝ in.
           Hugh Moss, London, by repute.
           An eminent English collection.
         ◉   HK$ 100,000-150,000
           US$ 12,800-19,200

           In its outstanding use of three-dimensional modelling, the   as demonstrated by its close composition arrangement and
           present brushpot bears testament to Qing-dynasty ivory   similar treatment to the tree bark with characteristic deep
           carvers’ aspiration to parallel the naturalistic artisanship   swirling knots and a scaled surface.
           developed by renowned bamboo carvers from the Jiading   The present ivory brushpot is fashioned with a sunken ground
           School in the early 18th century.
                                                     where figural and landscape sections are modelled in the round
           The scene depicts groomsmen attending to the legendary   with undercutting, a technique noted by Wang Shixiang in
           eight horses of Mu Wang. It is said that Mu Wang travelled   Bamboo Carving in China, New York, 1983, p. 36, as originated
           around his kingdom in a chariot drawn by eight mighty horses   from bamboo artisans transferring their skills to the carving of
           in search of the heavenly paradise. The eight horses were all   ivory. An ivory brushpot depicting a scene of rural life rendered
           given a distinctive name and were eventually liberated from   in this technique, from the Irving collection, is included in Craig
           their harnesses and let out to graze after many years of faithful   Clunas, Chinese Ivories from the Shang to the Qing, London,
           service to the king.                      1984, pl. 176.
           A bamboo brushpot depicting the same subject, dated to   Compare also two ivory examples from the Simon Kwan
           early Qing dynasty and now preserved in the Palace Museum,   collection, attributed to the Qianlong-Jiaqing periods and
           Beijing, illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures   sharing remarkable similarities in their figural modelling,
           of the Palace Museum. Bamboo, Wood, Ivory and Rhinoceros   illustrated in Simon Kwan, Chinese Ivories from the Kwan
           Horn Carving, Hong Kong, 2002, pl. 33, could be a prototype   Collection, Hong Kong, 1990, pls 120 and 122.
           or direct source of inspiration to the present ivory brushpot,

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