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P. 139



                            A RARE CARVED CINNABAR LACQUER            This dish is unusual for its rendering of the ‘Three Friends of
                            ‘THREE FRIENDS OF WINTER’ DISH            Winter’ motif, with the trunk of the pine tree transforming into
                            MARK AND PERIOD OF WANLI, DATED           a lingzhi-shaped cloud formation with extending branches.
                            DINGHAI YEAR (IN ACCORDANCE WITH 1587)    While no other dish of this particular design appears to have
                                                                      been published, this piece belongs to a group of lacquerware
                            of circular form, with shallow rounded sides flaring at the   decorated with designs brimming with Daoist iconography.
                            rim and resting on a short foot, the interior carved with a   This motif is possibly associated with the concept of xianrui
                            medallion enclosing the ‘Three Friends of Winter’, depicting   (good omens), whereby clouds were believed to be an
                            a pine partly obscured by a moon among swirling clouds,   accumulation of qi, understood as the essence of all things,
                            flanked by sprays of bamboo and a flowering prunus tree, all   and therefore convey information or precede extraordinary
                            surrounded by four floral cartouches interspersed with various   events. The lingzhi-shaped clouds may also refer to the belief
                            auspicious emblems on the cavetto, the exterior decorated   mentioned in the Bencao gangmu (Compendium of Materia
                            with undulating flower scrolls wreathed in dense foliage, the   Medica), which was printed during the Wanli reign, that the qi
                            base lacquered black and incised in gilt with an eight-character   of old pine tree would transform into a lingzhi fungus (fuling)
                            reign mark dated to the dinghai year      with effective immortality-inducing properties.
                            26.1 cm, 10¼ in.
                            HK$ 120,000-180,000                       此設計珍罕少見,著錄無相類者。紋飾造形寓道教意涵,
                            US$ 15,400-23,000
                            明萬曆    剔紅歲寒三友圖盤                           有觀雲望氣一說,至明末,異象已與天意息息相關,本盤
                                  《大明萬曆丁亥年製》款                         圖紋之松芝靈雲,即屬祥瑞之象。萬曆時期,《本草綱

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