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P. 138

516                                   517

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           ATTRIBUTED TO WU LI                       ATTRIBUTED TO XIANG SHENGMO
           LANDSCAPE, 1670                           LANDSCAPE

           ink on paper, hanging scroll, signed Wu Li, with three seals of   ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll, signed Xiang
           the artist, and with other ten seals      Shengmo, with five seals of the artist
           116.6 by 43.4 cm, 45⅞ by 17⅛ in.          90 by 29 cm, 35⅜ by 11⅜ in.
           HK$ 50,000-80,000                         HK$ 20,000-30,000
           US$ 6,400-10,300                          US$ 2,600-3,850

           吳歷(款) 《山水》                                項聖謨(款) 《山水》
           水墨紙本 立軸 一六七〇年作                            設色紙本 立軸
           款識:溪漲綠平橋,雲歸青滿谷,中有採芝客,長歌徹茅                 款識:庚戌春二月十友二日,易菴項聖謨。
           鈐印:「吳歷」、「漁山」、「墨井草堂」。                      「易庵」、「半瓢」。
           136     SOTHEBY’S  蘇富比
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