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P. 99
PROPERTY FROM AN OLD HONG KONG FAMILY Similar plaques include a pair from the Qing 清乾隆至嘉慶
COLLECTION Court Collection, now preserved in the Le musée 御製粉彩描金「年年吉慶」及「事事如意」
A RARE PAIR OF IMPERIAL IRON- chinois de l’impératrice Eugénie, Château de 瓷板掛屏一對
RED AND GILT-DECORATED Fontainebleau, France, also illustrated in an 1863
PANELS photograph by Pierre-Ambroise Richebourg
QING DYNASTY, QIANLONG – (1810-1875) ‘Vue du Musée Chinois: composition
d’objets chinois dans le salon’.
each rectangular panel decorated with four
foliate cartouches, enclosing auspicious idioms
reading nian nian jiqing (‘happiness and joy year
after year’) and shi shi ruyi (‘everything be as one
wishes’), against a turquoise ground decorated
with multi-coloured clouds, all reserved on an
iron-red ground and surrounded by bats and
clouds, the inscriptions and outlines picked out
in gilt
75.6 by 30.2 cm, 29¾ by 11⅞ in.
HK$ 200,000-300,000
US$ 25,600-38,400