Page 226 - Christie's London May 14, 2019 Chinese Works of Art
P. 226
DAOGUANG SIX-CHARACTER SEAL MARK IN UNDERGLAZE BLUE The motif of three rams provide the rebus, sanyang kaitai, a wish for the New
AND OF THE PERIOD (1821-1850) Year to bring about a change of fortune.
The bowl is decorated and gilt on the exterior with three medallions, each
enclosing a ram below a tree amongst fowers. The medallions alternate with Compare to a very similar pair sold at Christie's London, 11 May 2010, lot
three groups of precious objects, all reserved on a lemon-yellow sgrafiato 264, and a further pair at Christie's London, 6 November 2018, lot 106.
ground. The interior is decorated with a large medallion enclosing three further
rams, encircled by four branches of fowers and precious objects.
5¾ in. (14.7 cm.) diam.
清道光 黃地粉彩開光三羊開泰碗 六字篆書款
£8,000-12,000 US$11,000-16,000
來源: 英國私人珍藏
Private UK Collection.
224 In addition to the hammer price, a Buyer’s Premium (plus VAT) is payable. Other taxes and/or an Artist Resale Royalty
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