Page 16 - 2019 September 11th Sotheby's Important Chinese Art
P. 16
A DOUCAI OGEE-FORM ‘EIGHT DAOIST During the Qing dynasty, the ‘Eight Daoist Emblems’,
EMBLEMS’ BOWL anbaxian, became a popular decorative motif, conveying the
JIAQING SEAL MARK AND PERIOD auspicious blessings of the immortals to whom they belong.
For a similar example, see one sold in our London rooms,
the flaring sides resting on a straight foot, brightly enameled 9th November 2011, lot 427; a pair sold at Christie’s New
with eight stylized blossoms borne on sprays of leafy vines York, 16th September 2010, lot 1436; and another sold at
above a ruyi-head border, the ‘Eight Daoist Emblems’ Christie’s Hong Kong, 28th November 2012, lot 2363.
evenly spaced around the cavetto between underglaze-blue
line borders, the center with a lobed medallion of green $ 15,000-25,000
interlocking scrolls, enclosing formalized lotus blossoms and
peaches centering an abstract flowerhead, the base with a
six-character seal mark in underglazeblue 清嘉慶 鬥彩暗八仙紋折腰盌
Diameter 8 in., 20.3 cm
Bluett & Sons, London, 1960s-1980s, and thence by descent. 來源
Bluett & Sons,倫敦,1960至1980年代,此後家族傳承