Page 21 - 2019 September 11th Sotheby's Important Chinese Art
P. 21

            AN UNDERGLAZE-BLUE AND            The hallmark found on this ewer is associated   For wine ewers and warmers of similar form but
            COPPER-RED ‘IMMORTALS’ WINE       with porcelains produced during the Qianlong   decorated in underglaze blue with iron-red bats,
            EWER, WARMER AND A COVER          period, as noted in Geng Baochang, Ming   see two attributed to the 18th/19th century and
            QING DYNASTY, QIANLONG PERIOD     Qing Ciqi Jianding [Connoisseurship of Ming   with Yanghe tang zhi marks, sold at Christie’s
                                              and Qing Porcelains], Hong Kong, 1993, p.   New York, 18th September 2003, lot 321, and
            of double gourd form, the upper bulb   383. Compare a similar wine warmer with a   Christie’s London, 11th November 2015, lot 623.
            comprising the ewer with a loop handle, curved   Yongzheng mark in the Metropolitan Museum
            spout, and deep protruding cylindrical base,   of Art, New York, illustrated in Warren E.   $ 20,000-30,000
            each decorated with underglaze-blue bats   Cox, The Book of Pottery and Porcelain, vol.
            and copper-red lingzhi-shaped clouds, the   II, New York, 1949, pl. 164, fig. 872. Another,
            lower bulb comprising the warmer, set with   in the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, is   清乾隆   青花釉裏紅八仙過海紋
            two beast-mask handles, all painted with the   inscribed with a Caihua tang zhi (‘Hall of
            Eight Daoist Immortals in underglaze blue   Brilliant Splendor’) mark, acc. no. 911.8.60A-  葫蘆形套壺
            against a ground of swirling copper red waves,   C. A third example, inscribed with a Yanghe   《恭壽堂製》款
            the recessed base glazed white and inscribed   tang zhi (‘Hall for Cultivating Harmony’), in the
            Gongshou tang zhi within a double square in   collection of the Seikadō Bunko Art Museum in
            underglaze blue, wood cover (3)   Tokyo, is illustrated in Seikadō zō Shinchō tōji.   來源
            Height 5¾ in., 14.6 cm            Keitokuchin kanyō no bi [Qing dynasty porcelain   購於1960至1980年代之間,此後家族傳承
                                              collected in the Seikadō. Beauty of Jingdezhen
            PROVENANCE                        imperial kilns], Seikadō Bunko Art Museum,
            Acquired between 1960s-1980s, and thence by   Tokyo, 2006, cat. no. 41. See also an example
            descent.                          sold at Christie’s Amsterdam, 10th May 2000,
                                              lot 269.

                                                 MING AND QING PORCELAIN FROM A CANADIAN PRIVATE COLLECTION  19
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