Page 20 - 2019 September 11th Sotheby's Important Chinese Art
P. 20
TWO UNDERGLAZE-BLUE AND For dishes of this type with the Yanghe tang
COPPER-RED ‘IMMORTALS’ DISHES mark, see one attributed to the 18th century
QING DYNASTY, 18TH / 19TH and sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 27th
CENTURY November 2007, lot 1692 (part lot). Another
pair attributed to the Qianlong period sold in
each with shallow rounded sides, the short our Hong Kong rooms, 8th October 2014, lot
gently tapered foot rising to an everted rim, the 3128. A bowl with this pattern, attributed to the
exterior painted with the Eight Daoist Immortals 19th century, sold at Christie’s London, 11th
in underglaze blue against a swirling ground November 2011, lot 1265.
of stylized copper-red waves, the interior For pieces bearing the Qingyi tang mark and
centering a medallion enclosing Shoulao and decorated in a similar manner, see a bowl and
a deer against a further wave ground, cloud cover sold at Christie’s New York, 22nd March
scrolls and a partially obscured sun above, the 2012, lot 2018. Compare also a wine ewer and
recessed bases glazed white with hallmarks warmer sold in these rooms, 15th March 2017,
in underglaze blue within double squares, one lot 521.
reading Qingyi tang zhi and the other Yanghe
tang zhi (2) $ 20,000-30,000
Diameter 6½ in., 16.3 cm
Weisbrod & Dy, Toronto, 1960s-1980s, and 清十八 / 十九世紀 青花釉裏紅八
thence by descent. 仙過海紋盤兩件
The hallmarks Qingyi tang (‘Hall of Blessings 《養和堂製》《慶宜堂製》款
and Correctness’) and Yanghe tang are found
on porcelains from the Yongzheng to Daoguang 來源
Weisbrod & Dy,多倫多,1960至1980年代,