Page 23 - 2019 September 11th Sotheby's Important Chinese Art
P. 23
A PIERCED BLUE AND WHITE Blue and white sweetmeat boxes of this design 明萬曆 青花穿花龍紋鏤空蓋盒
‘DRAGON’ SWEETMEAT BOX AND include one sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 7th
COVER July 2003, lot 652; another with a cover of this 《大明萬曆年製》款
WANLI MARK AND PERIOD type from the Toguri Museum of Art sold in our 來源
London rooms, 9th June 2004, lot 39. A wucai
of compressed globular form, resting on a enameled box with the same decoration was 倫敦蘇富比1986年12月9日,編號190
straight foot surmounted by a domed cover, the included in the exhibition Treasures from the C. C. Lai Antiques,多倫多,1960至1980年代,
sides of the box and cover each painted with Shanghai Museum: 6000 years of Chinese Art, 此後家族傳承
leaping dragons in profile amidst flowerheads Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, 1983, pl.
on leafy scrolls, the cover centered with a XXXVII.
pierced ‘coin’ painted with flowers and conch Compare also Wanli mark and period
shells, encircled by a ‘wave’ band, the interior sweetmeat boxes with dragons enclosed in
of the box divided into a central floriform lobed medallions reserved on a pierced diaper
walled compartment radiating six segments, ground; one was included in the exhibition Ming
the footring with bands of scrolls, the recessed and Ch’ing Porcelain from the Collection of
base glazed white and with a six-character the T. Y. Chao Family Foundation, Hong Kong
mark in underglaze blue (2) Museum of Art, 1978, cat. no. 25. Another
Diameter 8⅝ in., 21.6 cm
example sold in our Hong Kong rooms, 21st
May 1979, lot 46, and a further box and cover
sold in our London rooms, 10th July 1979, lot
Sotheby’s London, 9th December 1986, lot 190. 147.
C. C. Lai Antiques, Toronto, 1960s-1980s, and
thence by descent.
$ 20,000-30,000