Page 78 - Christie's, Important Chinese Works of Art, Hong Kong Dec 3 2021
P. 78

2945 Continued

         Finely potted and exquisitely enamelled, the present pair of cups was   此對珍稀的小盃為雍正時期內廷佛堂用品,其外壁以青花鬥彩描繪繁密
         part of the Tibetan-Buddhist ritual implements of the Qing court   的番蓮卷草紋,每朵番蓮上托一蘭札體梵文,用筆纖細,色澤雅緻,底
         during the Yongzheng period. The shape and design are closely
         modelled after their Chenghua prototype, such as an example in the   書「大清雍正年製」六字雙行雙方框款,為雍正朝官窯瓷器之佳作。此
         National Palace Museum, Taipei, illustrated in Catalogue of the Special   類小盃依據明成化原型(圖一)所作,無論器形、紋飾皆近乎相同。
         Exhibition of Ch’eng-Hua Porcelain Ware, Taipei, 2003, p. 166-167, no.
         168 (fig. 1).                                     近似的雍正鬥彩梵文小盃多為博物館珍藏,如台北故宮博物院藏原
         For other Yongzheng cups of this design, see a pair in the National
         Palace Museum, Taipei, illustrated in Monarchy and Its Buddhist Way:   北,1999年,圖版101號(圖二);Bernat伉儷贈予波士頓美術館一對,
         Tibetan-Buddhist Ritual Implements in the National Palace Museum,   《Oriental Ceramics》,第10冊,1980年,圖255;羅桂祥博士贈予香港
         Taipei, 1999, p. 197, no. 101 (fig. 2), which was originally stored in the   藝術館一件,《清瓷薈錦:香港藝術館藏清代陶瓷》,香港,1984年,
         Jingren Palace at Forbidden City; a pair gifted by Mr and Mrs Paul   圖版46號。此類小盃於流通領域中相當罕見,成對者更為稀罕,參考仇
         Bernat to the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, illustrated in Oriental   焱之舊藏一對,1981年5月19日於香港蘇富比拍賣,拍品562號;及玫茵
         Ceramics, The World’s Great Collection., vol. 10, Tokyo, 1980, no.
         255; one gifted by Dr K.S. Lo to the Hong Kong Museum of Art,   堂舊藏一對,2013年4月8日於香港蘇富比拍賣,拍品14號。
         illustrated in The Wonders of the Potter's Palette: Qing Ceramics from
         the Collection of the Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1984, no.
         46. Examples of this type are quite rare in private collections, pairs
         are even rarer. Compare a pair from the E.T. Chow Collection, sold
         at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 19 May 1981, lot 562; and another pair from
         the Meiyintang Collection, sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 8 April 2013,
         lot 14.

               fig. 1  Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei  fig. 2  Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei
                         圖一  國立故宮博物院藏品                                    圖二  國立故宮博物院藏品

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