Page 6 - Bonhams Catalog Cohen and Cohen Jan 24, 2023 New York
P. 6

Joseph Joel Duveen, Baron Duveen (1869-1939)  “Exhibition of Rare Old Chinese Porcelains” at Duveen Brothers gallery in New York, 1907.
           National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG x28132

           The Export Arts of China: Chinese Creativity in a Western Context

           It is a particular pleasure to be introducing this auction of exceptional   In the 1970s there were still many good London dealers handling fine
           Chinese Export porcelain to Bonhams’ worldwide audience. We are   Chinese Export art. Earle Vandekar, Marchants and John Sparks all
           exceptionally grateful to Michael and Ewa Cohen for giving us the   handled fine stocks of quixotic European-subject wares, large famille
           opportunity to present it in New York, where a century ago some of the  verte, famille rose and blue and white display garnitures, handsome
           greatest American collectors like J.P. Morgan (1837-1913), James A.   pairs of Export birds and animals and amusing human figures. And
           Garland (1840-1900) and Henry Clay Frick (1849-1919) were hungrily   so did Michael Cohen, establishing a reputation which would grow
           assembling wonderful collections principally of Chinese Export taste   as his business continued to expand over 45 years, and attracting
           ceramics. Their hunger was enthusiastically steered by Joseph Duveen  to his Gallery (initially in Portobello Road, latterly with Ewa Cohen
           (1869-1939) at his magnificent Fifth Avenue gallery towards the finest   in Kensington Church St), every international collector interested in
           examples of famille noire, famille verte, blue and white and of course   the finest surviving pieces from the China Trade, while also annually
           outstanding famille rose.  Lots 99, 136, 125 and 72 respectively, in this  displaying his finest exhibits at the great annual antiques fairs in
           auction would have created great competition as Duveen tantalized the  London and New York, where fine Chinese Export always attracted
           competing buyers!                                 very committed collectors, museum curators and decorators.

           I have always felt that there is something special about the arts and   Michael Cohen realized early on, as I did with my initial interest in
           crafts of China made for ‘The China Trade’ to the West. When I joined   European ceramics, that one feature makes Chinese Export art stand
           the London auction world in the mid-1970s, the best Chinese Export   out from the rest of the pantheon of Chinese art, and gives it for many
           art was still often esteemed as highly as some of the best Chinese-  Westerners (and, more recently, for Asian buyers) a unique appeal.
           taste material. ‘Export’ objects such as ceramics, lacquer,  glass   This distinguishing characteristic is that Chinese Export represents
           paintings and even fans were readily available to collect in the ‘70s,   a fascinating artistic fusion, blending Western aesthetic tastes and
           because many English and European country houses still contained   the rhythms of polite society in Europe and East-Coast America with
           the decorative vases, huge dinner services, pairs of decorative figures   Chinese commercial manufacturing skills.  The reason was the ability
           and large jardinieres which had been bought new in the 18th century   of Chinese craftsmen, principally based in Canton (and Jingdezhen
           from luxury dealers and grand ‘Marchands-Mercier’ who dominated   where the ceramics were created), to respond imaginatively to
           selling Asian imports in fashionable London and Paris during the   unlikely requests by western ‘Supercargoes’ (business managers
           ‘Ancien Regime’. The furnishings in public rooms of grand European   on each East India Company ship) issuing orders to have all sorts of
           houses could remain essentially untouched by new fashions for a very   pieces manufactured. A 300-piece ‘armorial’ dinner service simply
           long time; they often did, until a novel international demand (especially   copying a book plate showing a strange medallion in the center, filled
           from America during the late 19th century) began to generate very high  with symbols that had no reference to traditional ceramic patterns
           retail and auction prices for the finest pieces of un-regarded Chinese   of dynastic China? Hundreds of thousands of folding fans painted
           Export art which had arrived in the West almost two centuries earlier.  with whimsical views of colorful Chinese families and landscapes
                                                             which bore no resemblance to reality, but were perfectly suited to
                                                             sophisticated social rituals in Europe, the discreet ‘language of fans’
                                                             to signal subtle messages?  Snuff boxes, to hold expensive ground
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