Page 125 - 2019 October Fine Chinese Paintings Hong Kong
P. 125

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           PAN BOYING (1905-1966)                               程十髮 女孩與鹿
           POEM IN XINGSHU                                      設色髮箋 立軸 一九七三年作
           ink on paper, hanging scroll                         款識:
           signed BOYING, with a dedication, and one seal of the artist  百庸先生大教。癸丑三月廿日。程十髮漫筆於黃浦西岸。
           81.3 by 46 cm. 32 by 18 in.
           HK$ 15,000-20,000
           潘伯鷹 行書錢澄之詩                                           LI KUCHAN (1899-1983)
           水墨紙本 立軸
                                                                EAGLE ON PINE TREE
          (七絶一首,文略)錢飲光詩。                                        ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll
                                                                signed KUCHAN, with a dedication, and one seal of the artist
                                                                71 by 49.4 cm. 28 by 19⅜ in.
                                                                HK$ 120,000-180,000
                                                                李苦禪 松鷹圖
           CHENG SHIFA (1921-2007)                              設色紙本 立軸
           GIRL AND DEER                                        款識:
           ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll              陳凡先生雅正。苦禪。
           signed CHENG SHIFA, dated 1973, with a dedication, and two seals of the
           artist                                               鈐印:「苦禪」。
           67 by 49.3 cm. 26⅜ by 19⅝ in.

           HK$ 150,000-250,000

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