Page 157 - Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated) and Symbols
P. 157

“Alas! I saw him without seeing him;

                  I met him without meeting him;

                  I encountered him without encountering him;

                  Now as before I regret this deeply!”

            Bodhidharma has a large following of devoted followers and his

            festive day falls on the 5th day of the 10th lunar month of the

            year. He is often depicted as a travelling monk, or in a meditative

            posture, or standing on top of a reed which carried him across

            a river, a feat which led people to have faith in his power as an

            Arhant or Lohan, the Chinese term for an Immortal. According

            to the Chinese tradition, Bodhidharma is one of the famous 18

            immortals who has a great affinity with mankind. is group

            of Lohans are generally found in many temples and they are

            represented as possessing various kinds of supernatural power,

             symbolised either by the wild animals crouching submissively

            beside them and/or the special objects that are associated with

            them.  Although  the  Lohans  are  a  step  below  the  rank  of  a

            Bodhisattva,  they  are  Enlightened  Beings  who  deserve  our

            reverence. Bodhidharma or Ta Mo is venerated for being the

            founder of the Great Contemplative School of Ch’an or Zen by

            the Buddhists, and others, for his protective powers or as the

            great Sage of Shaolin Temple.

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