Page 158 - Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated) and Symbols
P. 158

C XVI


            ibetan uddhism

            e third vehicle of Buddhism is Vajrayana, often known as Lama-

            ism, which originated in Tibet in the eighth century and gradually

             spread to its neighbouring countries. Vajrayana is part of Maha-

            yana Buddhism, an offshoot, developed out of Mahayana philoso-

            phy which is also regarded as Tantric or Esoteric Buddhism. To

            practise it, one must have the skilful guidance of an accomplished

            Lama because its emphasis is mainly on ritualistic ceremonial ac-

            tions and practices which involve the body, speech and mind; the

            body being valued as the proper vehicle for salvation.

            is brief account is meant as a general introduction to the ird

            Vehicle or ‘Yana’, which, together with the Hinayana and the

            Mahayana, make up the ree Yanas of Buddhism. Beginners

            to Buddhism are advised to have a thorough knowledge on the

            teachings of the Buddha as contained in the Hinayana before

            moving  into  Mahayana  practices.  Only  when  their  founda-

            tions are strong enough and they have gained sufficient wisdom

             should they consider entering the Vajrayana. It may be a vehicle

            that promises enlightenment within a single-life-time and many

            are therefore likely to be attracted to it. However, it must be

             stressed that the slow and gradual paths of the Hinayana and

            the Mahayana should be preferred as they, have lesser pitfalls

            and are therefore much more suitable for the average person.

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