Page 17 - Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated) and Symbols
P. 17

traits, so also are there different Bodhisattvas. A transcendent

            Bodhisattva  who  enjoys  the  most  devotion  and  popularity  as

            helper to liberation is A (Kuan Shih Yin), who

            is the compassionate aspect of the Buddha. He and other popu-

            lar Celestial Bodhisattvas described in this book will help to

            remove incorrect ideas and speculative doubts from the minds of

            those who have little or no knowledge of the Bodhisattvas of the

            Mahayana teachings.

            While the Hinayana Arhat accumulates meritorious karma for

            his own salvation through following and practising the teach-

            ings of the Buddha, he also serves others though his capacity to

            do so is limited. e Mahayana Bodhisattva, on the other hand,

            relentlessly carries out his mission of universal salvation, transfer-

            ring his vast merits to the less fortunate ones so that they too

            may enjoy the fruits of such merits. us the Bodhisattva Ideal

            brings about much hope for the down-trodden and provides a

            noble goal to those who are seriously on the Buddha’s path. e

            Arhat ideal may not sound as noble as that of the Bodhisattva

            but it does not necessarily mean that the Mahayana is in any way

             superior to the Hinayana practice. Both are ideal paths that lead

            to enlightenment and those who are aspiring to become Arhats

            are not necessarily selfish since Arhatship cannot be attained if

            there is even the slightest tinge of selfishness left in his being. A

            true Buddhist will not indulge in glorifying his path of practice,

            he should realise that without the Hinayana there can be no

            Mahayana path. What is more important is that they both share

            the same fundamental teachings such as:-

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