Page 87 - Sothebys HK Dragon Emperor April 2024
P. 87

The album printed and edited according to the instructions   sixth month of the same year, Bai Shixiu again sent in 40
 of the Emperor was an extremely important step in the   pieces of various styled and sized jade seals, and one album
 process of putting into order and evaluating the ancient   placed in a zitan wood box. The Emperor ordered that an
 jade seals. The work of many people in this undertaking is   approved dragon incised seals be made accordingly. This
 evident. Generally speaking, to produce and edit such an   record confirms the content of the Qianlong’s poem, “Song
 album and print copies of the ancient seals, a transcription   of the Han Jade Seals” written in the 20th year of his reign.
 of the emperor’s calligraphy, or his poems and the essays   In order to make these 40 pieces of jade seals, Qianlong
 of his officials and attendants are indispensable. In addition   was very much concerned with every step in the course
 to enhance the sense of appreciation of the albums, a   of making, which lasted for half a year, having put forward
 transcription of the emperor’s calligraphy and the imperial   specific requirements, and revised samples many times.
 paintings, or the calligraphy of officials and attendants and   Another record notes that on the 28th day of the ninth
 their paintings needed to be added. According to archival   month of the 32nd year of Qianlong’s reign, Tai Jian sent in
 records of the Neiwufu, “on the fourth day of the seventh   2 boxes, rectangular in form, made of engraved zitan wood
 month of the 18th year of Qianlong’s reign, Bai Shixiu sent   with jade inlay. In each box, 8 jade seals were placed. Each
 in essays for the Emperor’s portrait in 5 pages, attached   box was two-tiered with drawers. The Emperor ordered that
 with 10 pieces of Han jade and one sample of an album. The   the jade seals be placed in the lower drawer fitted to match
 Emperor ordered that the album be sent for mounting to the   the seals and that in the top drawers 2 albums be placed
 Mi Hall. From this record, it is clear that the album was made   so that the sample could be presented for review. Qian
 for the 10 pieces of jade that the Qianlong Emperor collected   Weicheng, Jiu Rixiu, Wang Jihua were ordered to write one
 the year before. Another record notes that ‘on the 10th day   character and draw one painting. Any old characters found
 of the fifth month of the 20th year of Qianlong’s reign, Bai   on the seal was to be rubbed off. On the 1st day of the tenth
 Shixiu reported that the official Hu Shijie sent in 40 pieces of   month, Shi De and Wu De sent in 2 pieces of rectangular,
 jade seals of different sizes and styles. The Emperor ordered   zitan wood, tailor- made boxes, containing 8 jade seals. The
 that a five- storied box be made to match the jade seals, with   Emperor approved the samples and gave an order to grind
 the bottom page be left blank. At first, samples were made   the jade seal thinner to get rid of the old characters on the
 for approval. The mounting was changed at Bo Gu Ge. On the   seals.
 14th day of the fifth month, Bai Shixiu and Su Wen sent in 40
 pieces of various sized and styled jade seals, with samples of   Among all the albums made, it is rare to find an album that
 6 drawer boxes attached; a box was made for the album. The   contains such a variety of information on the emperor’s seal
 Emperor ordered that seals be placed in 4 boxes, 10 pieces   collection. From Qianlong’s poem it is possible to date the
 in each box, the album in one box, all together 5 boxes be   album to the period between the Spring of the 22nd year of
 sent to Mao Qin Hall. On the 27th day of the fifth month of   his reign (equivalent to 1755 A.D.) and the 23rd year of his
 the same year, the Emperor ordered that a cover be made   reign. The present album is a historical treasure that reflects
 for the boxes, the album be placed in the top drawer, and   the Qianlong emperor’s enjoyment in his collection.
 that a pattern be drawn for approval. On the 2nd day of the

 * originally published in Imperial Peking. The Last Days, Sotheby’s, Hong Kong, 2007, pp. 52-55.

 Impressions of three seals of the late Qianlong period
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