Page 365 - Chinese Works of Art Christies South Kensington Nov. 2015
P. 365
(another view)
1239 Examples of this type of fnely enamelled bowl with dragon and phoenix
decoration appear in the Kangxi period (1662-1722) but imperial examples
A PAIR OF WUCAI ‘DRAGON AND PHOENIX’ BOWLS were seen throughout the Qing dynasty.
QIANLONG SIX-CHARACTER SEAL MARKS IN UNDERGLAZE BLUE Two bowls of this pattern both with Kangxi reign marks are in the Qing Court
AND OF THE PERIOD (1736-1795) Collection, Beijing, illustrated in Porcelains in Polychrome and Contrasting
Colours, The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, Vol. 38,
清乾隆 五彩龍鳳紋碗一對 六字篆書款 Hong Kong, 1999, pp. 147-148, nos. 135 and 136.
A pair of Qianlong bowls of this type sold at Christie’s, Hong Kong, 29 May
Each bowl is fnely decorated to the exterior with two dragons amidst fower 2007, lot 1516. A single Qianlong example from the Y.C. Chen collection sold at
sprays chasing faming pearls, divided by two descending phoenixes, below Christie’s, Hong Kong, 29 May 2013, lot 1923.
a narrow band of the Eight Buddhist Emblems interspersed with ruyi heads
to the mouth. The interior is decorated with a dragon chasing a faming pearl
amidst scrolling fames.
5√ in. (15 cm.) diam. (2)
£20,000-30,000 $31,000-45,000