Page 14 - Christie's, The Palmer Family Collection May 31 to June 1, 2023 Hong Kong
P. 14


                A RARE WUCAI SQUARE-SECTION                      明十七世紀中期 青花五彩四季花鳥圖花盆
                                                                 款識: 宣德年製
                MING DYNASTY, MID 17TH CENTURY
                The sides are decorated with flowering branches of peach,   Alfred Clark伉儷舊藏,英國,編號248
                magnolia, prunus and bamboo that emerge next to rocks and   倫敦蘇富比,1953年3月24日,拍品61號
                birds. The base is inscribed with a Xuande four-character
                mark.                                            John Sparks,倫敦,1953年3月27日
                5æ in. (14.7 cm.) high
                HK$200,000-300,000                               倫敦,皇家藝術學院,《International Exhibition of Chinese
                US$26,000-38,000                                 Art》,1935年11月28日-1936年3月7日,編號2555
                                                                 倫敦,《The Exhibition of Chinese Art》,1938年 (據R.H.R.
                PROV ENA NCE:
                                                                 倫敦,東方陶瓷學會,《Polychrome Porcelain of the Ming and
                Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Clark Collection, United Kingdom, no.   Manchu Dynasties》,1950年,編號70 (據R.H.R.帕默帳本及
                Sold at Sotheby’s London, 24 March 1953, lot 61  標籤)
                John Sparks, London, 27 March 1953               倫敦邦瀚斯,《Reginald and Lena Palmer, Their Collection
                The Reginald and Lena Palmer Collection, no. 668  and The Oriental Ceramic Society, 1921-1970: A Loan
                                                                 Exhibition》,2021年10月25日- 11月2日
                EX HI BIT ED:
                London, The Royal Academy of Arts, International Exhibition   出版:
                of Chinese Art, 28 November 1935- 7 March 1936, ser. nos.   皇家藝術學院,《International Exhibition of Chinese Art》,
                2555                                             倫敦,1935年,頁129 & 151,圖錄編號1560
                London, The Exhibition of Chinese Art, 8 – 28 January 1938, as   邦瀚斯,《Reginald and Lena Palmer, Their Collection
                recorded in the RHRP ledger                      and The Oriental Ceramic Society, 1921-1970: A Loan
                London, The Oriental Ceramic Society, Polychrome Porcelain   Exhibition》,倫敦,2021年,頁40- 41,圖錄編號10
                of the Ming and Manchu Dynasties, 1950, no. 70, as recorded in
                the RHRP ledger and according label              一件與本拍品尺寸、紋飾及款識均為相似之近似例,為大維德爵士舊藏(PDF
                Bonham’s London, Reginald and Lena Palmer, Their Collection   705),曾於1935至1936年倫敦皇家藝術院之《International Exhibition of
                and The Oriental Ceramic Society, 1921-1970: A Loan   Chinese Art》展覽,展覽編號1560,並載於R. Fung,《Ming Colours–
                Exhibition, 25 October – 2 November 2021         Polychrome Porcelain from Jingdezhen》,倫敦,2006 年,頁48-49,
                                                                 編號 15。
                LIT E RATU RE:
                The Royal Academy of Arts, International Exhibition of Chinese
                Art, London, 1935, pp. 129 & 151, cat. no. 1560
                Bonham’s, Reginald and Lena Palmer, Their Collection and The
                Oriental Ceramic Society, 1921-1970, London, 2021, pp. 40-41,
                no. 10
                A similar vessel also bearing an apocryphal Xuande four-character
                mark, is in the collection of Sir Percival David (PDF 705). The
                David piece was included in the International Exhibition of Chinese
                Art, London, 1935-1936, exhibit no. 1560, and illustrated by R.
                Feng in Ming Colours – Polychrome Porcelain from Jingdezhen, London,
                2006, pp. 48-49, no. 15.

                                                                                    (base 底部)

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