Page 9 - Christie's, The Palmer Family Collection May 31 to June 1, 2023 Hong Kong
P. 9
Lot 拍品編號 2834 Lot 拍品編號 2838 Lot 拍品編號 2823
by the Burlington Fine Arts Club; the Club’s 1910 Exhibition porcelain. Like Alexander, Trapnell also loaned pieces to the
of Early Chinese Pottery and Porcelain; and the 1913 Exhibition Burlington Fine Arts Club’s Exhibition of Early Chinese Pottery
of Chinese Applied Art, held at the City of Manchester Art and Porcelain in 1910. Trapnell famously sold a number of his
Gallery. Reginald Palmer purchased the wucai jar from Chinese ceramics to the noted London dealer Edgar Ezekiel
Sotheby’s in 1931, when William Alexander’s daughters sold Gorer (1872-1915), prior to Gorer’s death in the sinking of
the collection. Sir Percival David acquired nine lots from the the RMS Lusitania in May 1915. The yellow-glazed square
same sale. seal box (Lot 2838) was also previously in the Trapnell
collection, and later belonged to Captain Annesley Tyndale
The 17 century square jardinière (Lot 2801) in the current Warre (1861-1937), who was a collector not only of Chinese
sale also has a prestigious provenance, having formerly been ceramics, but also of Chinese glass. Warre loaned some 30
in the Clark Collection. Alfred (1873-1950) and Ivy (1890- items to the International Exhibition of Chinese Art, London,
1976) Clark, who were personal friends of Reggie and Lena 1935-6.
Palmer, put together a collection of Chinese ceramics,
which, according to Lady David, was the private collection Reginald Palmer acquired the ‘Water Margin’ dishes
most admired by Sir Percival David. Interestingly, a similar (Lot 2823) from the Sotheby’s sale of the van Heukelom
square jardinière, also decorated with birds, flowers and rocks, Collection in June 1937. This was amassed by the
and with apocryphal four-character Xuande mark, is in Dutch collector Willem Frederik van Heukelom (1858-
the collection of Sir Percival David (illustrated by Rebecca 1937). Van Heukelom’s father was one of the founders
Feng in Ming Colours – Polychrome Porcelain from Jingdezhen, of the Nederlands-Indische Handelsbank (Dutch Indies
London, 2006, pp. 48-9, no. 15). Despite the closeness of Commercial Bank), which was the second largest enterprise
the two pieces and the fact that Sir Percival was director of in the Dutch East Indies. One of the commodities in which
the exhibition, it was the Clark jardinière (later purchased by the bank was involved was sugar, and Willem Frederik van
Reginald Palmer) which was included in the International Heukelom made a significant fortune while engaged in
Exhibition of Chinese Art, at Burlington House, London, trading interests in Jakarta. This allowed him to amass
1935-6, exhibit no. 1560. what has been described as: ‘the most valuable collection of
Chinese porcelain in the Netherlands in the early part of the
The pair of famille rose ruby-back dishes (Lot 2834) came 20th century’, and to build a fine house on the Museumplein
from the collection of Alfred T. Trapnell (1838-1917), who following his return to Amsterdam, which today houses the
amassed major collections of both Chinese and English United States Consulate General.
香港佳士得與帕默珍藏淵源甚深,兩者交情歷時三十餘載。 其道的東方藝術與中國風,並購入一批十七世紀末的中國與
1987年,香港佳士得正式成立,當年首批推出的重量級私人珍 日本瓷器,如今仍有部份作品貯藏於貝爾頓宅邸。購藏本品
藏中,便有十九件帕默藏品。1989年1月17日,「雷金納德·帕 的若是布約翰爵士,則器成之日應與購藏日期相差無幾。大
默伉儷珍藏明初青花瓷器」專拍隆重登場,其中一例精美絕倫 維德爵士珍藏的籃狀香薰與本品如出一轍,圖見拙著《For
的成化宮盌和一件宣德款青花葫蘆瓶均屬壓軸之作。後者源 the Imperial Court – Qing Porcelain from the Percival
自L. F. Hay少校 (1891至1946年) 舊藏,值得一提的是,本圖 David Foundation of Chinese Art》頁54-5編號4 (紐約、
錄的拍品之中,也有數例源自份量相當的珍藏,或與典藏之作 新加坡及倫敦:1997)。1935至1936年期間,倫敦舉行的「中
息息相關。 國藝術博覽會」亦曾展出大維德薰爐 (展品編號1664)。
芸芸拍品中,清康熙五彩花卉紋薰爐 (拍品編號2811) 的 本季呈獻的十七世紀五彩西廂記人物故事梅瓶 (拍品編號
造型獨具一格,此乃布氏勳爵 (Right Honourable Lord 2803) 來自知名的艾氏舊藏。該批藏品由銀行家艾維廉
Brownlow) 舊藏,或是第三代從男爵布約翰 (Sir John (William Cleverley Alexander,1840至1916年) 點滴匯聚
Brownlow, 3 Baronet,1659至1697年) 的家傳之寶。布 而成,R.L. Hobson著於1931年的《Chinese Ceramics in
氏伉儷定居林肯郡的貝爾頓宅邸,據說二人熱衷於當時大行 Private Collections》提到,艾氏「當年在鑑藏界名重一時」。
博 古 紹裘 7