Page 8 - Christie's, The Palmer Family Collection May 31 to June 1, 2023 Hong Kong
P. 8

Lot 拍品編號 2811                  Lot 拍品編號 2803                  Lot 拍品編號 2801

                in their own right.  Several hundred are preserved in the   The distinctive Kangxi basket-shaped parfumier (Lot 2811)
                collection of Reading Museum.  As already noted, the   was formerly in the collection of the Right Honourable Lord
                subjects of the decoration on these tins are very varied, but   Brownlow. It is possible that Lord Brownlow inherited it
                it is interesting to note that a significant number of designs   from one of his ancestors, Sir John Brownlow, 3  Baronet
                were  inspired  by  Chinese  art  –  predominantly  Chinese   (1659-97).  In their manor house at Belton, Lincolnshire,
                porcelain, lacquer, and metalwork.  As early as 1908-9, a   Sir John and Lady Brownlow are recorded to have followed
                tin was designed based on cloisonné enamel with a bird and   the  contemporary  fashion  for  oriental  art  and  chinoiserie,
                flower design on a turquoise ground.  In 1928 an ambitious   and to have had a collection of late 17  century Chinese and
                and complex tin was made in the form of a square section 17    Japanese porcelain, some of which is still in Belton House
                century Chinese vase with decoration resembling famille verte   today.  If this  parfumier was originally part of Sir John’s
                panels reserved against a blue ground. While almost 40 years   collection, he must have acquired it shortly after it was
                later, in 1964, a tin was made with a design of white prunus   made. The vessel is identical to a basket-shaped parfumier in
                blossom against a blue cracked-ice background, apparently   the collection of Sir Percival David (illustrated by Rosemary
                tied with a golden cord, as if for presentation as a gift.    Scott in For the Imperial Court – Qing Porcelain from the Percival
                                                                 David Foundation of Chinese Art, New York, Singapore,
                Christie’s Hong Kong has had a relationship with the Palmer   London, 1997, pp. 54-5, no. 4).  The Percival David vessel
                Collection for more than thirty years.  One of the first groups   was included in the  International Exhibition of Chinese Art,
                of items from important private collections sold by Christie’s   London, 1935-6, exhibit no. 1664.
                Hong Kong after its founding in 1987, comprised nineteen
                pieces from the Palmer Collection. The sale of  Important   The 17  century  wucai wine jar (Lot  2803) was formerly
                Early Ming Blue and White Porcelain from the Collection of the   in the famous Alexander Collection.  This collection was
                late Mr and Mrs R.H.R. Palmer took place on 17 January 1989.     amassed by William Cleverley Alexander (1840-1916), a
                Two of the most important items in the sale were a delicate   banker, who was described by R.L. Hobson in his 1931
                Chenghua ‘palace bowl’ and a fine Xuande-marked blue   publication Chinese Ceramics in Private Collections as being ‘one
                and white double gourd flask.  The latter had formerly been   of the noted connoisseurs of his day…’ He was also a patron
                in the collection of Major L. F. Hay (1891-1946), and it is   of the artist James McNeill Whistler (1834-1903).  Items
                notable that a number of the items in the current catalogue   from the Alexander Collection were shown at a number of
                have also formerly been part of other famous collections or   important early exhibitions of Chinese ceramics, such as
                have links to important related pieces.          the 1895 Exhibition of Blue and White Oriental Porcelain held

                (Samuel Palmer,1820至1903年,即上文提到的浩瑋·帕默            企業。最初,餅罐貼飾的都是當時頂尖工業設計師構思的精美
                之父) 加入公司,維埃·帕默 (William Isaac Palmer,1893年       貼紙,但於1870年代中期,借助韓氏工廠授權使用的全新膠印
                卒) 則於1851年加盟。韓鐸禮於1857年辭世,其子亨利對公司                 工序,終可直接在餅罐上印刷圖案,產品外觀益顯氣派。帕默
                業務興趣不大,遂欣然將股份轉讓予帕默家族,從此過着悠哉                      商品以創意非凡的造型脫穎而出,其餅罐的造型與裝飾變化多
                遊哉的鄉紳生活。自1873年起,別的帕默家族成員陸續加入,                    端,如藏書、風車和皇宮崗亭等。如今,H & P的餅罐本身已成
                如喬治之子George William、 Alfred和Walter,以及塞繆·         為炙手可熱的收藏目標。雷丁博物館珍藏中,仍有數百個該公
                帕默之子Ernest、Charles、Howard和Bertie。                司的餅罐。誠如上文所述,罐身的裝飾題材五花八門,最引人
                                                                 入勝的是,其設計常以中國藝術品 (以中國瓷器、漆器和金屬器
                根據喬治執掌公司時製訂的營銷方案,海報與包裝均須美觀大                      為主) 為藍本。早於1908至1909年期間,該公司已推出一款仿
                方。由於行銷網絡日廣,其餅乾必須放在密封罐內,方能確保                      松石綠地花鳥紋掐絲琺瑯的造型。1928年的一款設計亦大膽
                新鮮酥脆。無巧不成書,韓鐸禮的弟弟約瑟 (1807至1895年)                 精巧,其造型脫胎於中國十七世紀藍地五彩開光四方瓶。約四
                學的恰恰是製罐工藝,其公司於1832年在雷丁市開業,命名                     十年後,1964年再有一款藍地冰裂白梅紋餅罐面世,據說罐身
                「Huntley、Boorne及Stevens」。該公司使用的蒸汽機出自             繫以金繩,狀若饋贈之禮。
                Barrett, Exall及Andrewes,正是與喬治合作研發製餅機的

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