Page 11 - Christie's, The Palmer Family Collection May 31 to June 1, 2023 Hong Kong
P. 11

Lot 拍品編號 2808                                     Lot 拍品編號 2814

                1961), a banker and philanthropist who served as chairman   The Palmer Collection has  been amassed, researched,
                of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee   documented, and treasured by the family over the past 100
                from 1932-1961. In fact, the collection of the Chinese   years.  During that time, purchases were made from some of
                porcelain had originally been amassed by Paul’s brother,   the most famous collections of the day, with the advice of the
                Emil Baerwald (1870-1948), who was resident in Europe. By   leading, and most knowledgeable, dealers and auctioneers.
                1937, when the Baerwald sale took place, the collection had   The family has been generous with its treasures, not only
                been transferred to Paul Baerwald, possibly in settlement of a   inviting international Chinese ceramic specialists to examine
                debt.  Interestingly, while Paul Baerwald lived in New York,   the collection, but  lending pieces to many important
                the collection stayed in Europe and was sent to London for   exhibitions, especially those held by the Oriental Ceramic
                sale by John Sparks, June 15 – July 3, 1937.  Clearly, it was   Society.  A visit to this collection was always a joy for a
                Emil Baerwald who was the true collector, with a particular   Chinese ceramic scholar, who, no matter how many times
                interest in Chinese ceramics, and he was acquainted   they had seen the pieces, would always discover a new work
                with other major European collectors, such as George   of art to admire.
                Eumorfopoulos and Percival David.  He was also important
                for introducing his niece, Pauline Baerwald (1910-2000)
                to Chinese art, when he visited New York.  Pauline and
                her husband Myron S. Falk Jr. (1906-1992) became leading
                collectors of Chinese ceramics in America.

                格蘭衛隊服役,其後入職家族銀行。除了收藏中國陶瓷與歐洲                      至1961年),1932至1961年期間,裴氏出任美猶聯合救濟委
                繪畫,他亦熱愛航海,1948年更斥資買下百慕達單桅帆船「巽                    員會主席。其實,這批中國瓷器珍藏源自保羅的兄長裴埃彌
                辰號 (Windstar)」,參與競逐考斯帆船賽,並常於船上款待英                (Emil Baerwald,1870至1948年),後者長年旅居歐洲。1937
                皇喬治六世與伊麗莎白公主。1933年4月,瞿氏委約佳士得拍                    年裴氏珍藏開拍之際,所有藏品已轉至裴保羅名下,有可能是
                賣一批中國釉上琺瑯彩瓷,本季的兩件帕默粉彩盤曾參展伯靈                      以茲抵債。有意思的是,裴保羅雖以紐約為家,但裴氏珍藏卻
                頓美術俱樂部1935至1936年舉行的「中國藝術博覽會」(展品                  一直存放於歐洲,直至1937年6月15至7月3日,始經古董商史
                編號2008及2269),瞿氏於1936年經古董商史賓克 (Spink)             柏克 (John Sparks) 運抵倫敦拍賣。顯而易見,實際從事收藏
                將之售予雷金納德·帕默。                                     的應是裴埃彌,他對中國陶瓷青眼有加,與多名歐洲鑑藏大家
                                                                 交情甚深,如尤默夫 (George Eumorfopoulos)、大維德等。
                另一件點睛之作是青花折枝蓮紋蒜頭瓶 (拍品編號2808),其                   值得一提的是,他客居紐約期間,更為姪女裴寶琳 (Pauline
                前任主人羅朝恩 (Charles Ernest Russell,1866至1960年)      Baerwald,1910至2000年) 打開了中國藝術的大門。其後,
                身家優渥,他除了收藏中國瓷器,更有涉獵英國瓷器、玻璃器、                     裴寶琳與夫婿霍邁倫 (Myron S. Falk Jr.,1906至1992年) 均
                傢具,以及水彩畫和十七、十八世紀英國與荷蘭油畫。羅氏庋                      躋身美國一流中國陶瓷收藏家之列。
                年的「中國藝術博覽會」上展出。羅氏偏愛中國早期陶瓷與清                      帕默代代悉心收藏、研究和輯錄其家族珍藏,百年滄桑,珍愛
                代御瓷,鼎鼎大名的具年款元青花象耳「大維德瓶」之一,便是                     如昔。在此期間,他們不時聽取學識淵博的權威古董商和拍賣
                羅氏出讓予大維德爵士的珍品。1932年3月,羅氏將一批御製                    行之建言,向當代各大收藏蒐奇擷珍。帕默家族亦不吝分享其
                清瓷賣給古董商布魯埃 (Bluetts),雷金納德·帕默購入其中一                藝術瑰寶,每每誠邀世界級的中國陶瓷專家親臨鑑賞,並屢屢
                盌。至於本季拍賣的蒜頭瓶,乃帕默於1935年蘇富比舉辦的                     外借藏品予大型展覽,對東方陶瓷協會之展覽更有鼎助之恩。
                羅朝恩陶瓷拍賣會上投得, 拍品26號。                              有緣親睹帕默珍藏者,即便賞玩再三,仍時有觀止之嘆,對中
                拍品中的五彩高士賞月圖酒盃 (拍品編號2814) 亦精巧絕倫,
                其前任主人是銀行家暨慈善家裴保羅 (Paul Baerwald,1871

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