Page 10 - Christie's, The Palmer Family Collection May 31 to June 1, 2023 Hong Kong
P. 10

Lot 拍品編號 2832                                    Lot 拍品編號 2833

                Two of the famille rose dishes in the current sale (Lots 2832   (1866-1960), whose private means enabled him to collect
                and 2833) came from the collection of Captain Bertram   not only Chinese porcelain, but English porcelain, glass, and
                Currie (c. 1896-1959), another personal friend of Reginald   furniture, as well as watercolours and 17th and 18th century
                and Lena Palmer. Currie served in the Scots Guards in the   English and Dutch oil paintings.  Russell began collecting
                Great War and then entered the family bank. In addition to   Chinese porcelain in the 1920s and sixteen of his pieces were
                collecting both Chinese ceramics and European paintings,   included in the International Exhibition of Chinese Art, London,
                he was a keen sailor and, having purchased the Bermudan   1935-6.  He was interested in earlier Chinese ceramics as well
                sloop Windstar in 1948, he raced her out of Cowes, often   as Qing imperial porcelains, and is perhaps best-known for
                with HM King George VI and HRH Princess Elizabeth on   having once owned one of the Yuan blue and white, dated,
                board.  Although Currie sold some of his Chinese overglaze   temple vases, known as the ‘David’ vases, which he later sold
                enamels at Christie’s in April 1933,  the two Palmer dishes   to Sir Percival David.  He sold a group of his Qing imperial
                were exhibited at the International Exhibition of Chinese Art,   porcelains to Bluetts in March 1932, including a bowl later
                Burlington House, London, 1935-6, as exhibits 2008 and   purchased by Reginald Palmer. The current vase, however,
                2269,  respectively  and  were  purchased  from  Currie  by   was purchased in 1935 at Sotheby’s sale of ceramics from the
                Reginal Palmer through Spink in 1936.            Russell Collection, lot 26.

                The blue and white pear-shaped vase (Lot 2808) was   The delicate famille verte wine cup in the current sale (Lot
                acquired from the collection  of  Charles  Ernest Russell   2814), was formerly in the collection of Paul Baerwald (1871-

                他更是藝術家惠斯勒 (James McNeill Whistler,1834至          予伯靈頓美術俱樂部,在1910年的「中國早期陶瓷展覽」展
                1903年) 的贊助人之一。艾氏珍藏早年多次參展重量級的中國                   出。1915年5月,盧西塔尼亞號被擊沉,倫敦古玩巨擘戈愛德
                陶瓷展覽,如伯靈頓美術俱樂部於1895年舉辦的「東方青花陶                    (Edgar Ezekiel Gorer,1872至1915年) 不幸罹難,眾所周知
                瓷展覽」和1910年的「中國早期陶瓷展覽」,以及曼徹斯特市                    的是,他生前曾購入一批查氏珍藏的中國陶瓷。來自查氏舊藏
                立美術館於1913年推出的「中國應用藝術展覽」。1931年,艾                  的尚有一例黃釉雕雙龍戲珠紋方印盒 (拍品編號2838),其後
                氏女兒委約蘇富比拍賣珍藏,這件五彩梅瓶終易手雷金納德·                      納入華安田上尉 (Captain Annesley Tyndale Warre,1861
                帕默。同一場拍賣會上,大維德爵士亦投得九件珍品。                         至1937年) 的中國陶瓷與玻璃器珍藏。華氏曾借出約三十件藏
                十七世紀青花五彩四季花鳥圖花盆(拍品編號2801) 來自柯
                氏舊藏,其出處亦不容小覷。柯孚雷 (Alfred Clark,1873至             1937年6月,雷金納德·帕默在蘇富比拍賣會上投得外綠地內
                1950年) 及妻子艾薇 (Ivy,1890至1976年) 與雷金納德·帕            五彩水滸傳人物故事圖盤 (拍品編號2823),此物來自荷蘭收
                默、莉娜私交甚篤,大維德爵士夫人曾說過,芸芸私人珍藏之                      藏家賀維孚珍藏 (Willem Frederik van Heukelom,1858至
                中,大維德爵士至為欣賞柯氏伉儷的中國陶瓷珍藏。有趣的                       1937年)。賀氏父親是荷蘭東印度第二大企業「荷蘭印度商業
                是,大維德珍藏中也有一例近似的花鳥秀石圖花盆,書四字                       銀行」 (Nederlands-Indische Handelsbank,又名「Dutch
                宣德偽款,圖見馮汝嘉著作《Ming Colours – Polychrome           Indies Commercial Bank」) 創始人之一。該銀行從事糖等商
                Porcelain from Jingdezhen》頁48-9編號15 (倫敦:2006)。   品的交易,而賀氏在雅加達從事貿易期間獲利甚豐。以此為契
                即便兩件花盆大同小異,在大維德爵士出任總監的1935-6年                    機,他蒐求了一批被譽為「二十世紀初荷蘭最具價值的中國瓷
                倫敦伯靈頓美術俱樂部「中國藝術博覽會」上,入圍參展的依                      器珍藏」,回到阿姆斯特丹後,他更斥資在博物館廣場興建宅
                然是柯氏花盆(展品編號1560,其後易手雷金納德·帕默)。                    邸 (即美國總領事館現址)。

                拍品中還有一對源自查艾德 (Alfred T. Trapnell,1838至1917       本圖錄刊載的二例粉彩盤 (拍品編號2832及2833),均屬瞿
                年) 舊藏的外胭脂紅地內粉彩仙人獻壽圖盤 (拍品編號2834),                 北川上尉舊藏 (Captain Bertram Currie,約1896至1959年),
                查氏以中、英瓷器收藏聞名於世。他跟艾氏一樣,曾外借藏品                      他與雷金納德·帕默、莉娜份屬知交。瞿氏於一戰期間曾在蘇

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