Page 125 - Jie Rui Tang Kangxi porcelain mar 2018
P. 125

385     A LARGE BLUE AND                ⌲Ꮴ⛆   䱿㟞䪸ٶ㟞ⴠ䡓䰋ృതว
                   WHITE PERSIAN-
                   STYLE EWER

                   Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Period                                     ҳ⎽
                   the " attened pear-shaped body rising from a   The elegant attenuated form of the present
                   spreading foot to a waisted neck with a raised   ewer is most likely derived from a Middle
                   band and cupped mouth, the dragon-form   Eastern metal prototype. These vessels, often   ܧ❵
                   handle set opposite the S-curved spout, the   with a matching basin, were used primarily for   Je# rey P  StamenCynthia Volk ⿻⧋❠俛
                   front and back each with a teardrop-shaped   ceremonial ablutions. While derived from an   շ俒ꅷ⼾搭 : 悦誩㛔询䐁擳渿⚆櫙ո䋒ス
                   panel enclosing a ‘pheasant and rockwork’   Islamic form, these ewers were successfully   饟2017䎃㕬晝109
                   vignette bordered by scrolling peonies against   assimilated and adapted for the domestic
                   a blue ground, the sides and spout with   market which valued them for their exoticism.
                   " owering boughs, further foliate decoration at   A similar blue and white Kangxi period ewer
                   the neck, mouth, foot, and spout, coll. no. 290.  in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London is
                                                   illustrated in Rose Kerr and Luisa E. Mengoni
                   Height 11⅜ in., 28.8 cm
                                                   Chinese Export Ceramics, London, 2011, pl.154.
                   Marchant, London, 2000.

                   Je# rey P. Stamen and Cynthia Volk with Yibin
                   Ni, A Culture Revealed: Kangxi-era Porcelain
                   from the Jie Rui Tang Collection, Bruges, 2017,
                   pl. 109.
                   $ 25,000-35,000

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