Page 174 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 174

136                      KIOTO POTTERY.

                                                 No. 263.
                       The impressed mark of Taizan, one of the most extensive
                  manufacturers    of faience  in Awata.     The mark given above
                  is taken from a Hibatchi of choice workmanship and some age.

                                                 No  264.

                        Another example of the same mark, taken from a Hibatchi
                   of choice  quality.

                                                 No. 265.
                        Another example of the same mark, taken from a Hibatchi
                   of considerable   age.


                              No. 266.           No. 267.            No. 268.

                        Examples   of the same mark, taken from modern faience
                   of common     quality.

                                                 No. 269.
                        Impressed upon a Hibatchi of faience, of choice quality.
                   The upper characters are Awa-ta, and the lower ones Tai-zan;
                   the name of the maker, and the      district in which he   resides.
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