Page 176 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 176

138                      KIOTO   POTTERY.

                                                 No. 272.

                        The mark of Tanzan, one of the most extensive makers
                   of faience in Awata    he also makes some porcelain.       Painted
                   in  gold upon   a Teapot    of modern    faience   Tanzan.


                                                 No. 273.

                        Another example     of  the same mark.       Painted  in  blue
                   upon   a Teapot    of pottery.

                                                 No. 274.

                        Another example     of  the same   mark.     Painted   in  red
                   upon   a Vase   of porcelain.

                                                 No. 275.
                        Another example of the same mark.          Painted   in brown
                   upon   a Dish   of faience.

                                                 No. 276.
                        Another example of the same mark.        Painted in red upon
                   a Vase   of faience.
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