Page 295 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 295


                   ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS AND PRINTED BOOKS.             257

                                          No. 595.
                From    a  kakimono  of  silk  upon which    a  representation
           of Buddha    is  painted  in  colours and gold.    The  inscription
           is written  in black, the seal stamped    in red.   On E-dokoro.
           Kan-da    so-tei, Fuji-wara Mochi-nobu tsutsushinde yegaku.
           Respectfully painted  by Mochinobu Fujiwara,      a  disciple  of  the
           school of Kanda.   On Edokoro     the name of the official depart-
           ment of painting.    The right-hand charaeters in the seal are
           Fuji-wara, and those to the       left  are  Mociii-nobu.
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