Page 290 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 290



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                                                  No. 583.

                        From    the makimono    referred  to on   the  previous page
                    the  inscription  painted  in  black,  the  seals stamped  in  red.
                    To-sen, Ho-gan, yegaku.      Painted by Tosen, Hogan; the latter
                   being his  title.  The upper seal reads Ka-no, Kano being the
                   family name of the     painter    and  the lower one reads Kan-
                   RAKu-sAi,   Kanrakusai, his professional name.

                                              Vi.  I       ^
                                                  No. 584.

                        Stamped in red upon the same makimono.          An-sei Otsu-
                   Bo Shi-jiu-ku o Hichi-sho, Ko-ji.      Hichi-sho, Koji, an old man
                   of forty-nine.,  in  the Zodiac year of  the Hare, of the period of
                   Ansei, 1854 to i860 a.d.    Hichi-sho, who died about 1858, was
                   the greatest master,   in modern times, of the art of writing
                   the  title of Koji  is one which  is assumed by scholars.
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