Page 334 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 334
No. 644.
Rendered in cloisonne enamel underneath a Bowl of old
ware in the South Kensington Museum ; the dark spaces are
enamel, and the cloisons are shown by the white lines. Jiu.
Rendered in cloisonne enamel upon the back of a Dish
of middle period ware in the Bowes Collection the charac-
ters are worked in metal cloisons upon a panel of lilac enamel
ground, which is surrounded by a border of red enamel.
Bi-shiu, Yasu-matsu, Chio-zo. Chiozo, the name of the
maker Yasiimatsiy the town where he resided Bishiii, the
; ;
name of the province in which it is situated, commonly known
as Owari. The characters are Chinese, and are not of
modern style.