Page 334 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 334

2Q6                    CLOISONNE ENAMELS.

                                                  No.  644.

                        Rendered   in  cloisonne enamel underneath    a Bowl    of old
                   ware in the South Kensington Museum         ;  the dark spaces are
                   enamel, and the    cloisons are shown by the white      lines.  Jiu.

                        Rendered    in  cloisonne enamel upon    the back of a Dish
                   of middle period ware     in the Bowes Collection      the charac-
                   ters are worked in metal cloisons upon a panel of lilac enamel
                   ground, which     is surrounded   by   a  border   of  red  enamel.
                   Bi-shiu,   Yasu-matsu,     Chio-zo.    Chiozo,  the  name    of the
                   maker     Yasiimatsiy the town where he       resided   Bishiii,  the
                          ;                                             ;
                   name of the province in which it is situated, commonly known
                   as  Owari.    The    characters  are   Chinese,  and   are  not   of
                   modern   style.
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