Page 338 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 338


                   300                       METAL WORK.

                                                 No. 651.
                        Engraved upon     a Koro   of metal   gilt, ornamented with
                   repousse work of the     highest beauty.    In the Bowes Collec-
                   tion.  Commencing, as customary, with the characters to the
                   right,  the  inscription reads  as  follows — Ho-ken on      ko-ro
                   KO-GO TOMO    Bi-SHIU KAMI    JU-GO-I-GE  MiNAMOTO A-SON      0 -TA
                   SUKE-HISA Tem-mei      ROKU-NEN    Hei-go   KU-GATSU    hachi-chi.
                   Hoken, dedicated     Onkoro,  an  incense   burner, the  prefix on
                   signifying  that  it  was   dedicated   with  respect    Kogo,  an
                   incense box    tomo, together with    Bishin kami, a  title, mean-
                   ing the  ruler  of the province    of  Bishiu   Jtigoige,  a grade
                   or  order  in  rank   Minamoto,   the name    of the  family from
                   which the donor was descended        Ason, subject of the Court;
                   Ota  Snkehisa,  the name     of  the donor     Temmei,   the year-
                   period   Rokunen, the sixth year      Hei-go, the Zodiac year of
                          ;                           ;
                   the Horse    Kugatsu,   the  ninth month     Hachichi, the eighth
                              ;                               ;
                   day.   An  incense  burner,  together with an  incense  box, humbly
                   dedicated  by  Bishiu  no kami jugoige Minamoto     no  Ason   Ota
                   Snkehisa,  on  the 8th day   of  the  gth month  of  the  6th  year,
                   Hei go,  of  the period  of Temmei,  1786   a.d.
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