Page 339 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 339

METAL WORK.                          301

               Engraved    upon   a   bronze   Dragon   of  important   size
          in  the Bowes    Collection.   Gen-roku    ni  Ki-shi  toshi   san-
          SADA TSUKURU     (sAKu). Made    by Toshisada   F'ujiwara,  artist  to
          the prince   a  casting on  the  lucky day  of  the  third month  of
          the Zodiac year    of  the  Snake,  the  second year  of  the period
          of   Genrokii,  i68g  a.d.    The   prefix   On,  before   daikushi
          (artist), may   be taken   as  signifying  that the  artist was  in
          the service of a    prince.

                              No. 653.              No. 654.
               In  relief upon  a  pair  of bronze   Mirrors,  one  of which
          bears   the  crest  of  the   prince  of Owadsima.       No.   653.
          Ten-ka    ichi.  Tenka  ichi.  The first  under  the heaven, or  in
          the  world.  No. 654.    Ten-ka ichi saku.     Tenka ichi no saku,
          meaning The manufacture      of the first man   in  the  world.
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