Page 342 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 342

304                        METAL WORK.

                                             V         a
                                                No. 660.

                      Engraved upon an ancient iron Sword-guard, which bears
                 a   representation  of  the  well-known    story  of  the men     of
                 Heike searching    for Yoritomo, who was concealed in a tree
                 the  figures and   accessories  are  beautifully rendered    in  the
                 engraved metal, which     is inlaid with gold,  silver, and copper.
                  Mo-gara-shi, Niudo, So-teng seisu.       Made by Soteng Mogara-
                 shi, Niudo.

                                 No. 661.                      No. 662.
                      Engraved upon an       ancient Sword-guard, which bears a
                 representation   of the  battle of Shizugadake.     No. 661,    Ko-
                 SHIU, H iKO-NE   jiu.  No.   662.   Mo-gara-shi,   So-teng   seisu.
                 Made   by  Soteng Mogarashi,    a  resident  of  Hikone,  in  Koshiu^
                 the  province  of Omi.

                                                No. 663.

                      Engraved    upon    a  brass    Sword-guard.      Naga-iiaru.
                 Nagaharu,   the name    of the  maker.
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