Page 340 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
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302                       METAL WORK.



                                    No. 656.                             No. 657.
                       All  the above marks appear upon a single Mirror           the
                  larger ones   are rendered   in  relief,  in white metal, upon the
                  bronze back    of the  mirror, and   the inscription  to the right
                  is cast in relief in the bronze.   No. 655. Wa.     No. 656.   Ka.
                  Wa-ka, Japanese Poem, referring probably to the subject with
                  which  the mirror   is decorated.   No. 657.    Nishi-mura, Bun-
                  go-jo,  Fuji-wara,    Masa-shige.     Masashige    Nishimura, .the
                  name of the maker       the name    of Fujkvara and    the  title of
                  Bungo   no jo, Governor    of the  province   of Bungo, are both
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