Page 349 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 349

METAL WORK.                         3II



                                         No. 684.
                Engraved upon an ancient iron Sword-guard, ornamented
           with  the  figures,  rendered  in  various   coloured   metals,  of
           Bisjamon,   Girogin, and Daikoku,     the gods    of Glory, Long
           Life,  and   Wealth,   these  being   the   three  of   the  seven
           household    gods  to   which   the   warriors   of  Japan   make
           their supplications.   Unjiu.   Unjin, the name of the maker;
           the lower character    is  his mark.

                                         No. 685.
                Engraved    upon    an  ancient   iron   Sword-guard,    upon
           which  is a representation   of Rihaku, the greatest    of Chinese
           poets,  resting  by  the   waterfall.  So-ten    tsukuru    (saku).
           Made   by  Soten.

                                          No. 686.
                Engraved upon an ancient iron Sword-guard.         Nao-masa.
           Naomasa,   the name    of the maker.


                                          No. 687.
                Engraved upon an ancient iron Sword-guard, ornamented
           with the   figure  of  Kan-wu,   a Chinese   warrior, executed   in
           gold,  silver, and coloured metals.    Yasu-nori.    Yasimori, the
            name   of the maker.
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