Page 351 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 351

METAL WORK.                          313


                                           No. 690.
                 In  relief upon  a bronze    Mirror.   Fuji-wara Masa-yasu
            TSUKURU    (sAKu).  Made   by Masnyasu    Fiijiwara.

                                           No. 691.
                 In  relief upon a bronze Mirror, bearing the crest      of the
            prince  of Hikone, the    family which gave     hereditary regents
            to Japan.    Fuji-wara tsukuru (saku).      Made by Fujiwara.

                           No. 692.                       No. 693.
                 In   relief upon   a  pair  of bronze    Mirrors.   The   two
            large  inscriptions, taken   together, read Kwa-bo, meaning A
            design for a flower.    The small characters on No.      692, read
             Tenka ichi no saku      or The manufacture of the first man     in

             the  world.  Those on No.      693  are Tenka      ichi,  The first
            man in the world.
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