Page 374 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 374
No. 761.
Ivory seals upon a Plaque of wood decorated with
designs executed in ivory, pearl and coloured stones. Toshi-
TAKA. Toshitaka, the name of the maker.
No 762.
Impressed, and in relief, upon a Stick of Ink. The
characters in the right-hand panel are Shigiokuko, the
name of the ink. Those to the left read : Kobaiyen, the
name of a celebrated firm in Japan which makes the
materials for writing Shiujin Motonori seisu, made by
Motonori, the master or chief of the firm. The stick of
ink from which the above inscriptions are taken was made
of the soot from the sacred fire which burns in the temple
of Kasuga, in the province of Yamato this ink is
preserved as a sacred object in Japan.