Page 373 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 373
No. 757. No. 758. 759.
Upon a Screen enriched with a scene from the Soga
Monogatari, executed in ivory and coloured stones carved
in relief. Modern work of the most beautiful and skilful
execution. No. 757. Shima-mura ; Toshi-taka; the seals
read, Toshi-taka. No. 758. Shima-mura; Toshi-masa ; the
seal is seisu, made by. No. 759. Shima-mura ; Toshi-
AKi the seals read, Toshi-aki. The work was evidently
executed by three members of the Shimamura family, named
Toshitaka, Toshimasa and Toshiaki.
No 760.
Ivory seals upon a Plaque of wood decorated with
ornaments of ivory carved in relief. Sakura-i no in. The
seal of Sakiirai, the maker.