Page 368 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 368

330              WOOD AND IVORY CARVINGS, ETC.

                                                  No. 738  '

                        In  relief upon an    ivory  Box.    Tani-naga.     Taninaga^
                   the name    of the maker.


                                     No. 739.                  No. 740.

                        Engraved upon an ivory Netsuke.      Mitsu-hisa.    Mitsuhisa,
                   the maker      the lower characters    are  his mark.

                                                  No. 741.

                        Engraved upon an      ivory  Netsuke.   The   larger  inscrip-
                   tion may probably be read        as  Hiyo-roku,    but  the  upper
                   character,  in  the form of a gourd,     is given  in place of the
                   word Hiyo, which expresses that form          the smaller inscrip-
                   tion  reads  :  Gioku-ju.   Giokuju Hiyoroku^    the name    of the

                                                  No. 742.

                        Engraved upon an      ivory Netsuke.     Ko-min-sai.   Komin-
                   sai,  the name   of the maker.
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