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[i]  The urna is variously termed 光毫, 玉豪, 白毫, and 素豪 in Chinese; the ray of light   Press), 2019, p. 54-55, fgs. 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3.
          issuing from the urna is generally termed 眉間白毫相. In fact, many Hindu deities indeed   [xii]  See:
          have a third eye at the center of the forehead, but Buddhist deities, and particularly   sculpture/
          the Buddhas, have a magical curl of hair between the eyebrows. The urna is one of the   [xiii]  See:
          thirty-two special physical characteristics of the Buddha, known as the Thirty-Two   l&sortBy=Relevance&ft=1982.220.14&ofset=0&rpp=20&pos=1
          Signs of a Great Man. This refers to the laksana-vyanjana, known in Chinese as the   [xiv]  See:
          xianghao 相好, with xiang referring to the thirty-two major marks, and hao 好 to the   [xv]  Denise Patry Leidy, Donna Strahan et al., Wisdom Embodied: Chinese Buddhist
          eighty secondary signs on the physical body of Buddha.  and Daoist Sculpture in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York: Metropolitan
          [ii]  In Sanskrit, a halo behind the head is termed prabhamandala or siras-cakra, while   Museum of Art; and New Haven, CT, and London: Yale University Press), 2010, pp.
          the mandorla, or full-body halo, is called a prabhavali.  148-151, no. 37.
          [iii]  For books on Buddhist art relevant to this sculpture, see:  Pratapaditya Pal et al.,   [xvi]  On this topic, see: Xie Jisheng 謝繼勝, “Acala/Trailokyavijaya in Silk: A Tangut
          Light of Asia: Buddha Sakyamuni in Asian Art (Los Angeles: Los Angeles County   Synthesis of Tang Esoteric and Tibetan Tantric Traditions” in Debreczeny, ed., Faith
          Museum of Art), 1984; Denise Patry Leidy, The Art of Buddhism: An Introduction to   and Empire, 2019, translated by Zhu Renxiao. Also see, by the same author: Xie
          Its History and Meaning (Boston: Shambhala; distributed in the United States by   Jisheng, Xixia Zang chuan huihua: Heishuicheng chutu Xixia tangka yanjiu [Tibetan-
          Random House), 1st ed., 2008; Denise Patry Leidy, Donna Strahan, et al., Wisdom   Style Painting in Xixia: Research on Xixia Thangkas Excavated at Heishuicheng]
          Embodied: Chinese Buddhist and Daoist Sculpture in the Metropolitan Museum of   (Shijiazhuang: Hebei Jiaoyu Chubanshe), 2002, in the series Xizang yishu yanjiu xilie
          Art (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art and New Haven: Yale University Press),   [Research on Tibetan Art], 2 volumes / 謝繼勝著, 《西夏藏傳繪畫: 黑水城出土西夏唐卡硏
          2010; Pratapaditya Pal, The Arts of Nepal (Leiden, The Netherlands: E. J. Brill),   究》 (石家莊市: 河北敎育出版社), 2002年, 《西藏艺术硏究系列》, 2卷.
          1974; Pratapaditya Pal, ed., On the Path to Void: Buddhist Art of the Tibetan Realm   [xvii]  Zhao Yanlong, “Qiantan XiXia gongwen wenfeng yu gongwen zaiti” [A Brief
          (Mumbai, India: Marg Publications), 1996.           Discussion on the Writing Style in Xi Xia Oficial documents and on Documental
          [iv]  Note that 菩薩 is a contraction of 菩提薩埵, which is a Chinese transliteration of the   Carriers], Xibei Minzu Yanjiu [Research on Northwest Nationalities], vol. 45, no. 2
          Sanskrit term “bodhisattva”.                        (2005), pp. 78-84 / 趙彥龍, “淺談西夏公文文風與公文載體”, 《西北民族研究》, 45, no. 2
          [v]  For information on bodhisattvas, see: Robert E. Buswell, Jr. and Donald S. Lopez,   (2005年), 78-84頁.
          Jr., The Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press),   [xviii]  For the classic English-language study on the inclusion of dedicatory objects
          2013; Damien Brown, A Dictionary of Buddhism (Oxford, England, and New York:   within the cavities of hollow religious sculptures, see: John M. Rosenfeld, “The
          Oxford University Press), 2003; Paul Williams, Mahayana Buddhism: The Doctrinal   Sedgwick Statue of the Infant Shotoku Taishi,” Archives of Asian Art, vol. 22 (1968-
          Foundations, 2nd ed., in the Library of Religious Beliefs and Practices series (New   69), pp. 56-79; also see: Chandra L. Reedy, “The Opening of Consecrated Tibetan
          York: Routledge), 2009.                             Bronzes with Interior Contents: Scholarly, Conservation, and Ethical Considerations”,
          [ix]  Compare the fourteenth-century gilt bronze Buddha Shakyamuni in Nepalo-  Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, vol. 30, no. 1 (1991), pp. 13-34.
          Chinese style illustrated in: Robert R. Bigler, Before Yongle: Chinese and Tibeto-  [xix]  For an image of the interior of a Yongle period 永樂年 (1403–1424) gilt bronze
          Chinese Buddhist Sculpture of the 13th and 14th Centuries (Zurich, Switzerland:   sculpture with dedicatory objects packed inside, see: Denise Patry Leidy, Donna
          Robert R. Bigler Asian and Egyptian Art), 2015, pp. 92-93, no. 21.  Strahan, et al., Wisdom Embodied: Chinese Buddhist and Daoist Sculpture in the
          [x]  See: Helmut Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightenment: The Berti Aschmann Foundation   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art and New
          of Tibetan Art at the Museum Rietberg Zurich (Zurich, Switzerland: Museum   Haven: Yale University Press, 2010, p. 151, fg. 110; for an image of one of the miniature
          Rietberg), 2011, pp. 73-74, no. 31.                 scrolls removed from that sculpture and unfurled, see: Leidy and Strahan, Wisdom
          [xi]  See: Karl Debreczeny, ed., Faith and Empire: Art and Politics in Tibetan Buddhism   Embodied, pp. 150-151, fg. 109.
          (New York: Rubin Museum of Art; distributed by Seattle: University of Washington

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