Page 112 - 2020 December 1 Bonhams Hong Kong, Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of art
P. 112
A SMALL TURQUOISE-GLAZED The rare Si Gan Cao Tang hall mark can be 尊八方形,下部圓形,淺圈足。器物通體施孔
OCTAGONAL VASE translated as ‘Thatched cottage by the brook’, 雀綠釉,釉色青翠,花紋凹陷積釉處呈深綠
Si Gan Cao Tang four-character mark, and is discussed by Ming Wilson using an 色,釉面有細小開片。器壁刻花紋飾,頸部刻
18th century example of a copper-red-glazed moonflask 蕉葉紋一周,腹部上下各刻仰覆蓮瓣紋一周,
Of archaistic zun form, the splayed round foot also inscribed with the same mark, Qianlong, 腹部以下則飾「卐」字錦地紋。口沿及腹部鼓
decorated with eternity symbols, the bulging in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London; 出處及足牆飾卷草紋,器底露胎,有楷書「斯
octagonal mid section encircled by two bands see M.Wilson, Rare Marks on Chinese 干草堂」兩行刻款,字體工整秀麗。
of lappets divided by a band of floral sprays, Ceramics, London, 1998, p.116, where the
the flared neck further incised with stiff upright author suggests the mark references one of 有關「斯干草堂」堂名款的論述,見劉明倩
leaves, the dense design further accentuated the poems recorded in the Shi Jing, or the 於《英國大維德美術館暨維多利亞博院藏堂
with key-fret and cloud borders, all under a rich Classic of Poetry on the joy of home. 名款瓷器》,倫敦,1998年,頁116,文中引
turquoise glaze pooling to darker blue in the 用維多利亞及艾伯特博物館收藏一件清乾隆
recesses of the decoration, the base unglazed Compare with a similar turquoise-glazed 「斯干草堂」款霽紅釉夔龍耳扁壺,並論述
and incised with the four-character mark. vase with the same hall mark, included in 該款或出自《詩經·小雅·斯干》。《詩》曰:
10.5cm (4 1/8in) high. the Min Chiu Society exhibition Monochrome 「秩秩斯干,幽幽南山。」頌築室既成之喜,
Ceramics of Ming and Ch’ing Dynasties, 故斯干草堂,或指該堂乃瓶主安居之所。
HKD100,000 - 150,000 Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong,
US$13,000 - 19,000 1977, no.52. See another closely-related 參看一件非常相似的孔雀綠釉「斯干草堂」
example, but with a slight variation to the inner 刻花尊,著錄於敏求精舍展覽《明清一色釉
mouth and a different Hao Ran Tang Zhi four- 瓷》,香港藝術博物館,香港,1977年,
清十八世紀 孔雀綠釉刻花尊 陰刻 character incised mark, illustrated in Kangxi
「斯干草堂」楷書款 Porcelain Wares from the Shanghai Museum 編號52。上海博物館亦藏一件孔雀綠釉刻花
Collection, Hong Kong, 1998, p.367, no.248. 尊,其形制及紋飾均類似,唯器口内呈五瓣
Provenance: 花形設計,器底露胎處刻楷書「浩然堂製」兩
An Argentine private collection, acquired in the This mark is also found on a double-gourd 行刻款,見《上海博物館藏康熙瓷器圖錄》,
early 1950s, by repute vase covered in a Ge-type glaze, discussed
by Geng Baochang, Mingqing ciqi jianding,
來源: Hong Kong, 1993, p.383. See also a flambé- 其他帶有「斯干草堂」堂名款之例,見一件
阿根廷私人舊藏,於1950年代早期蒐集 glazed moonflask, Qianlong, with the same 清乾隆哥釉葫蘆瓶,耿寶昌,《明清瓷器鑑
mark, which was sold at Sotheby’s London, 定》,香港,1993年,頁383;倫敦蘇富比曾
17 May 2019, lot 366. 年5月17日,拍品編號366。