Page 116 - 2020 December 1 Bonhams Hong Kong, Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of art
P. 116

           Daoguang seal mark and of the period
           The ovoid body finely enamelled with an older boy clothed in a rose-
           enamelled robe and wearing a gold official’s cap, holding aloft a large
           golden helmet above his head as four younger boys leap excitedly to
           reach for it, all set within a scene of rockwork and pines continuing
           onto the reverse decorated with a flowering pomegranate branch laden
           with two heavy fruit bursting open and one unripe fruit, all beneath
           turquoise-ground ruyi-head borders containing double-seeded lotus
           scrolls enclosing four bats at the neck and simple lotus scrolls at the
           foot, the interior and underside glazed in turquoise.
           19.1cm (7 1/2in) high.
           HKD1,200,000 - 1,500,000
           US$150,000 - 190,000
           清道光 松石綠地粉彩「五子奪魁」圖罐 礬紅「大清道光年製」篆書款

           An English private collection


           The charming scene on the present vase depicting five boys fighting   罐直口,短頸,溜肩,腹下漸收,臥足。内及底施松石綠釉。外壁上
           for a helmet is a very popular motif in China, meaning ‘five boys   下綠地粉彩飾纏枝番蓮紋,邊環飾一周如意雲頭紋。腹部留白處通景
           competing for distinction’, which symbolises the blessing for one’s son   繪嬰戲圖,中間童子頭戴金冠,高舉金盔,身邊圍繞四個童子,高舉
           to achieve outstanding results in the Civil Service examinations. Helmet  雙手爭奪金盔。童子嬉於洞石花樹之間,身著彩色長衣,姿態各異。
           (kui 魁) is a pun for ‘leader’, which also indicates first place in the   腹部背面繪石榴樹,樹上結是三顆石榴,罐底施松石綠釉,留白處礬
           Palace examination. The ‘five boys’ refer to the children of Dou Yujun   紅書「大清道光年製」篆書款。
           (竇禹鈞), the scholar, educator and official during the Five Dynasties
           period (907-960 AD), whose eminent sons achieved remarkable   嬰戲題材在嘉慶、道光時期的官窯瓷器上經常出現。「五子奪魁」故事
           success in the Civil Service examinations, earning him reverence as the  源於五代晚期漁陽人竇禹鈞教子有方,五個兒子均功名成就,被人稱為
           ideal parent.                                     「燕山竇氏五龍」,後逐演變為吉祥題材,取「盔」之諧音,寄託子孫
           Compare with related Daoguang vases, but decorated with a ruby
           ground around the elongated neck and foot, such as one depicting   參看北京故宮博物院藏兩例道光粉彩瓶,一例飾洞石、石榴及蘭花,
           children in a Dragon Boat Race, and another decorated with fruiting   另一例則飾粉彩紫地龍舟圖,著錄於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品大系:
           pomegranate trees, illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures   琺瑯彩·粉彩》,香港,1999年,圖版189及194。
           of the Palace Museum: Porcelains with Cloisonné Enamel Decoration
           and Famille-Rose Decoration, Hong Kong, 1999, pls.189 and 194.   另見香港蘇富比曾售出一例清道光松石綠地粉彩瓶,亦繪「五子奪
           A famille rose bottle vase, Daoguang mark and period, similarly
           enamelled with four boys in a garden around an older boy wearing a
           gold official’s cap and holding a golden helmet over his head, was sold
           at Sotheby’s Hong Kong on 7 October 2010, lot 2162.

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