Page 113 - 2020 December 1 Bonhams Hong Kong, Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of art
P. 113

           A PAIR OF LARGE FAMILLE ROSE      The ‘hundred butterflies’ design is closely   花盆成對,體量碩大,花口、折沿,下承六
           ‘HUNDRED BUTTERFLIES’ JARDINIÈRES  associated with a unique group of yellow-ground   如意式足,足牆施黃釉,通體所施白釉。外
           Tongzhi                           wares produced as a special commission   壁滿繪各式彩蝶翩翩飛舞,俯仰生姿,色彩
           Each of lobed form, with deep sides raised   for the Imperial Court during the reign of the   繽紛,呼之欲出,盆底施白釉,挖兩濾水小
           on six ruyi-head bracket feet decorated   Tongzhi emperor. A drawing from the Qing   孔。盆胎體厚重,器形規整,為清代晚期官
           with yellow enamel, the everted lipped rim   Court Collection shows a similarly-painted bowl,   窯庭苑養植陳設佳作。「百蝶」紋樣在清末
           enamelled in lime-green with a continuous   with notes listing the forms and quantities to be   官樣御瓷上較多出現。包括御窯廠為同治皇
           lotus scroll, the body brightly enamelled with   produced in this design; see Guanyang Yuci:   帝大婚而燒造的器皿,大部分均以黃釉為地
           numerous butterflies in flight, the base pieced   Gugong bowuyuan cang Qingdai zhici guanyang   色,其圖案先由内府根據皇帝旨意繪成紋
           with two apertures.               yu yuyao ciqi, Beijing, 2007, p.120, no.22. See   樣,再發往御窯廠依樣燒造,參看故宮博物
           52cm (20 1/2in) wide (2).         also a smaller rectangular jardinière with a similar   院藏一黃地百蝶海碗圖樣,以及一件清同治
                                             design but with a yellow ground, Tongzhi, in   黃地粉彩百蝶八喜字方盆,均採用「百蝶」
           HKD300,000 - 500,000              the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in ibid.,   紋飾裝飾,著錄於《官樣御瓷:故宮博物院
           US$39,000 - 65,000                Beijing, 2007, p.91, no.14. Compare with a
                                             related jardinière of similar form and decoration,   年,圖22及圖14,頁120及91。
                                             but with a yellow ground, Tongzhi, which was
           清同治 粉彩百蝶紋棱口大花盆一對                  sold at Bonhams London, 11 November 2010,   倫敦邦瀚斯曾售出一件清同治黃地粉彩百蝶紋
                                             lot 336.                         菱口花盆,2012年11月11日,拍品編號336。
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