Page 79 - 2020 December 1 Bonhams Hong Kong, Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of art
P. 79
A RARE PALE GREENISH-WHITE JADE The present lot demonstrates the skilfull 青白玉質。取整塊玉料雕成長形木樁作槎,
RAFT GROUP craftsmanship and creativity achieved in the 槎頭仙童單膝而跪,雙手滑槳,身後一梅花
Mid Qing Dynasty jade ateliers during the mid Qing period. 鹿口銜靈芝回頭而望,槎中置一花籃,槎尾
Elaborately carved in intricate relief and Magu is the female equivalent of the Daoist 雕蒼松一株,樹下麻姑席手持如意席地而
openwork as a log raft ferrying the Immortal God of Longevity, Shoulao, and is a symbolic 坐,身後仙鶴口銜靈芝,木槎底部雕水波
Magu holding a ruyi sceptre and seated in protector of women in Chinese mythology. 紋,猶如滾滾水浪,翻捲奔騰,與玉槎呼
front of a crane grasping a lingzhi stem in In Chinese literature Magu is described as 應,相得益彰。
its beak beneath the branch of the pine tree a beautiful young woman with long birdlike
growing from the corner of the gnarled tree- fingernails. In many instances she is portrayed 麻姑為八洞神仙中得道女仙,亦是長壽女神。
trunk raft, centre of the raft with a basket sailing on a log raft, with a basket full of 其形象多為一位仙女模樣,或騰雲,或乘槎,
of blooming flowers and lingzhi fungus, a flowers and an attendant. She was believed 通常伴以仙鶴、靈鹿以及青松。清代宮廷雕刻
recumbent deer with its head turned towards to be able to brew longevity wine from lingzhi 藝術中也常以仙人乘槎為題材進行雕刻,「麻
the back beside the attendant paddling at fungus and to turn kernels of rice into pearls. 姑獻壽」題材在明清時期尤為流行,此玉雕麻
the front, the base carved as the gnarled 姑乘槎結合圓雕、鏤雕及浮雕技法雕刻,雖其
underside of the raft atop swirling waves, the In the present carving, Magu holds a ruyi 人物比例及開臉更接近清中期玉雕,但依舊為
softly polished semi-translucent stone of pale sceptre and is accompanied by a crane and a 清代陳設玉雕中不多見的作品。
greenish-white tone, wood stand. deer, each holding in its mouth the stem of a
20.5cm (8 1/8in) long (2). lingzhi fungus; together with the presence of 參看紐約佳士得曾售出一件十八世紀青白玉
pine, a long-lived evergreen, these convey the 麻姑乘槎擺件,其雕刻佈局及造型與本品相
HKD300,000 - 400,000 wish for longevity. 類,2011年9月15日,拍品編號1035。另
US$39,000 - 52,000 見邦瀚斯曾售出一件清乾隆「張騫乘槎」玉
Compare a closely-related pale greenish-white 雕,2018年5月29日,拍品編號37。
jade raft group, similarly carved with Magu
清中期 青白玉雕「麻姑獻壽」槎 seated beneath a pine tree on a log raft,
which was sold at Christie’s New York, 15
Provenance: September 2011, lot 1035. See also a related
Henry Marie Joseph Vallot (1854-1925) Imperial white jade carving of Zhang Qian on
Hôtel Drouot, Paris, 16 November 1925, lot 49 a raft, Qianlong seal mark and period, which
Carlos Alfredo Tornquist Altgelt (1885-1953) was sold at Bonhams Hong Kong, 29 May
O. Ramos Oromi y Cia, Buenos Aires, 2018, lot 37.
Argentina, 1936
Hôtel Drouot,巴黎,1925年11月16日,
O. Ramos Oromi y Cia公司,布宜諾斯艾利