Page 158 - 2020 November 30 Bonhams Rev. Richard Fabian Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy Hong Kong
P. 158

HE HAIXIA (1908-1998)                             FANG JIZHONG (1923-1987)
                 Originally named Fuhai, used sobriquets Ying and Dengying. Of   Who used the sobriquet Xuenong, and was a native of Mianxian,
                 Manchurian ethnicity, born in Beijing. Being attracted to painting   Shaanxi Province. Fang Jizhong studied painting with Zhao Wangyun
                 and calligraphy at a young age, He enrolled at Chinese Painting   from 1946, and spent his career making and promoting art. Fang’s
                 Research Institute in 1926, then became a disciple of the renowned   talent lay in landscape and bird-and-flower paintings; he took his
                 painter Zhang Daqian in 1934, accompanying Zhang on his travels   subjects from village life in Shaanxi, pastoral scenes, and modern
                 in Shandong and Sichuan provinces, during which time He had   construction. He injected realism into poetic pastoral scenes, creating
                 the opportunity to study and imitate many ancient masterworks.   a unique model for rural landscapes. Fang Jizhong was one of
                 Throughout the 1950s after settling down in Xi’an, He travelled to   the representative artists of the Chang’an painting style. He drew
                 sketch the north and south of Shannxi as well as Henan provinces with  from traditional painting without slavishly following it; his paintings
                 his peers at the Artists Association of Shannxi in Xi’an, Zhao Wangyun,  emphasized what was natural and “using form to express spirit.”
                 Shi Lu and others,  they often exchanged views on revitalizing   Fang’s ink paintings were fresh and vigorous; he excelled in running
                 traditional landscape painting in the new era. In October 1961, the   script calligraphy.
                 three organized the exhibition named “Works from the Chinese
                 Painting Study Studio” at the National Art Museum of China in Beijing.   方濟衆 (1923-1987)
                 He, Shi, and Zhao were honored as the “Three Greats of Chang’an”,   號雪農, 西勉縣人。早年曾任中小學美術教師,一九四六年師從趙
                 thereby the Chang’an Painting School was officially established.   望雲。擅山水、花鳥,作品取材於陝西農村、牧區風光及生產建設場
                 Beginning in 1976, He was commissioned to paint many monumental   景,將現實生活導入田園詩情化的藝術感受中,形成極具個性的田
                 landscapes in the blue-green-and-gold manner to grace the walls of   園風光模式。方氏為長安畫派代表畫家之一。作畫取法傳統而師古
                 such important buildings as the Great Hall of the People. He Haixia   不泥,又特重自然性靈,講求「以形寫神」。其寫意小品充滿生活氣
                 excelled in landscape and flower paintings, often fusing the elaborate   息,設色明快,畫風清新而渾厚。方氏亦善書法,以行書見長。
                 blue-green style with expressive ink brushwork, and has successfully
                 created a style of his own.
                                                                   YIN SHOUSHI (1919-1998)
                 何海霞 (1908-1998)                                   A native of Yixing, Jiangsu Province, Yin entered the Jiangsu Provincial
                 初名福海,字瀛,又字登瀛。满族,生於北京。幼時即喜愛書畫,十                    Yixing School of Ceramics in 1933 to study pottery, painting and
                 八歲加入中國畫學研究會。一九三四年投師大風堂,隨張大千游歷山                    calligraphy. With the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he went on
                 東、四川。期間飽覽古代名跡並大量臨摹了宋元明清佳作。一九三六                    to study art at the Wuchang Art School in 1938 and focused on figure
                 年,何氏與乃師及齊白石、于非闇等名家在長春、大連等地舉辦畫                     painting since then. His figure painting is appraised for capturing the
                 展。五十年代初由重慶遷居西安,與西安美協趙望雲、石魯等人常常                    spirit of his subjects. Yin is also known for painting galloping horses
                 一起深入陝北、陝南、河南各地寫生,切磋山水畫創新。一九六一年                    and his regular, running and cursive scripts.
                 究室習作展」,何海霞、石魯、趙望雲被譽為「長安三傑」,「長安                    尹瘦石(1919-1998)
                 畫派」由此誕生。六十年代初曾受邀到北京中央美術學院執教兩年。                    江蘇宜興人。一九三三年考入江蘇省立宜興陶瓷職業學校學習陶藝、
                 一九七六年後,應邀為人民大會堂、釣魚臺國賓館等重要場所創作多                    書畫。三八年入武昌藝術專科學校,此後傾力於人物畫創作。其人物
                 幅巨幅金碧青 山水畫。何海霞擅山水、花卉,能將青綠工筆與水墨寫                   畫注重以形寫神,所畫奔馬神態生動,書擅小楷及行草。

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