Page 159 - 2020 November 30 Bonhams Rev. Richard Fabian Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy Hong Kong
P. 159
WANG WENFANG (1938-2020) LU HONGNIAN (1919-1989)
A native of Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province, Wang was enrolled in the A native of Taicang, Jiangsu Province, Lu was born in Beijing and
Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1957 and studied under prominent became attracted to paintings as a child. He was enrolled in the
artists including Li Keran, Ye Qianyu, Jiang Zhaohe. After graduation, Department of Fine Arts of Fu Jen Catholic University in 1933 and
he became a professional painter at Beijing Fine Art Academy. Wang stayed on as teaching assistant after graduation. Encouraged by
Wenfang was renowned for his grand and majestic paintings of the his professor from Austria and his Chinese teacher Chen Yuandu,
plateau landscapes of northwest China. his began to paint Catholic themes with traditional Chinese painting
techniques, his works were chosen to represent the University and
王文芳(1938-2020) exhibited in the U.S., France and India. He was also the author of the
山東招遠人。一九五七年考入中央美術學院國畫系,師從李可染、葉 Celestial Musicians murals in Puzhao Temple to the west of Beijing.
淺予、蔣兆和等人。畢業後成為北京畫院畫家,尤擅以西北高原風景 In 1937, Lu Hongnian was admitted to an internship at the National
入畫,風格開闊雄奇。 Museum of Art (nowadays the Palace Museum, Beijing), and studied
under the tutorship of established painters such as Huang Binhong,
LI HUA (1907-1994) Zhang Daqian and Yu Fei’an. He taught at the Chinese Painting
A native of Panyu, Guangdong Province, Li graduated from the Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts after 1950. From
Guangzhou Municipal Art School in 1926 and stayed on to teach 1957 to 1962, Lu, together with a team of painters, visited Yongle
there. In 1930, he went to Japan and attended the Kawabata Painting Temple at Ruicheng, Shanxi Province six times, and completed the
School in Tokyo for a year. As he returned to China, he had been much reproduction of the spectacular Yongle Temple murals from the Yuan
engaged in the emerging woodcut movement and was the founder of Dynasty.
the Modern Woodcut Research Society in 1934. He was also the chief
editor of the journal Modern Prints and organised the Second National 陸鴻年(1919-1989)
Touring Exhibition of Woodcuts. At Xu Beihong’s invitation in 1947, 江蘇太倉人,生於北京。自幼酷愛繪畫,一九三三年考入輔仁大學美
he started to teach at the Peking Art School. He was professor at the 術系學習國畫、壁畫。受奧地利籍教授白立鼐及陳緣督的鼓勵,開始
Central Academy of Fine Arts after 1950. 以工筆重彩繪製天主教題材作品。期間作品入選該校在美國、法國、
李樺(1907-1994) 年考取古物陳列所國畫研究院研究員,與田世光、俞致貞、王叔暉同
廣東番禺人。一九二六年畢業於廣州市立美術學校,並留校任教。四 學,專事臨摹清宮舊藏古畫佳跡,得黃賓虹、張大千、于非闇等名家
年後負笈日本,入東京川端美術學校學習。自三十年代初即參與新興 親授。一九三八年為北京西郊北安河普照寺繪制「伎樂天」壁畫。四
木刻運動,並於三四年組織現代版畫會,主編《現代版畫》叢刊,籌 九年後執教於中央美術學院中國畫系,曾於一九五七至六二年,六次
組第二回全國木刻流動展覽會。一九四七年應徐悲鴻之邀到北平藝專 率隊往山西芮城永樂宮,完成永樂宮八百多平方米元代壁畫的臨摹複
任教,五〇年後任教於中央美術學院。 製。