Page 40 - The Age of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent
P. 40

1.  Illuminated tugra of Sultan Sülcyman,  c.  1550  (Istanbul, Topkapi  Sarayí
          Müzesi,  G.Y. 1400)

                 The  document,  which  is written  in  a  scroll format like all  ticularly  favored  in  illuminated  official  documents.
               Ottoman  fermans,  is devoted  to  the  allocation  of lands  under  The  scroll that  encloses  the  tugra  and  creates  a triangular
               the  sancak  of Vize  in  Thrace;  it is transcribed  in  divani,  the  formation  is an  unusual  feature  for  Süleyman's  reign. The il-
               traditional  script for  imperial  edicts.  The first line, which  is  luminations  of the  tugras  of his  predecessor  and  immediate
               found  in  all Ottoman  tugras and  generally  rendered  in gold,  followers  are  limited to  the  areas between  the  letters and  do
               begins  with  the  marks  called  ni§an-i  §erife  alijan  (reading  from  not  enclose the  entire  piece.  Finials extending  from  the  tug
               right  to  left,  it  consists  of a  single  dot,  three  dots forming a  and  arms  of the  beyze began  to  appear  in the  seventeenth
               triangle,  and  a vertical  stroke)  and  contains  the  formulaic met-  century  and  became  more  and  more  elaborate  until  they to-
               hiye, which  praises  the  sultan  and  concludes  with  the  words  tally  engulfed the  tugra. The overly-decorated  examples  coex-
               "it  is his  order  that/'  In  this  example  the  first  line  was  ren-  isted  with  the  simple calligraphic types and  those  that re-
               dered  in blue  whereas  the  text  was  written  in black  and  gold;  stricted  the  illumination to  the  parts  of the  tugra  itself.
               the  letters  were  sprinkled  with  gold. The practice  of sprin-  The  illuminated  tugra  that  characterizes  the  age  of Siiley-
               kling  gold  dust  on  texts  while  the  ink  was  still wet  was par-  man  was  firmly  established  in the  1550s.  There  are  numerous

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