Page 41 - The Age of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent
P. 41

3.  Illuminated tugra  of Sultan  Süleyman  from  a ferman  dated  1552
                                                                          (istanbul, Topkapi  Sarayí  Müzesi, E. 7816/2)

               2.  Illuminated tugra  of Sultan Süleyman  from  a ferman, c.  1530-1540
                (istanbul, Turk  ve islam  Eserleri Müzesi, 2238)

                examples  of this  type  in Turkish, European,  and  American  zade  Selim," who  was her  oldest  living son at the  time  and
                collections.  Although  each  example  shows  minor variations  the  heir  presumptive.  These fermans issued  by  Süleyman for
                in  the  choice  of designs filling  the  areas between  the  letters,  his wife's endowments  contain  his most  elaborate tugras.
                there  is a  considerable  amount  of standardization in  the  se-  Possibly  the  most  refined  example  in  the  series is the tugra
                lection  and  placement  of the  decorative  themes.      (3)  on  the  document  dated  1552.  It is also  decorated  with  the
                 The  most  beautifully  illuminated tugras are found  on  a se-  characteristic themes  found on  the  examples  illuminated  after
               ries  of  eleven  fermans  in  the  archives  of the  Topkapi Palace. 25  the  1550s. The letters  are  drawn  in blue  and  outlined  in  gold;
               Dated  between  1550 and  1555,  they  contain  allocations of  gold  is also  used  in  the  background  of the  sere,  the  three  al-
               property  to  support  Hürrem  Sultan's endowment  in Jerusa-  ternating  semicircular units in the  tug, the  triangular area
               lem.  Belonging  to  a  type  of document  called  mülkname (prop-  with  four  compartments  joining the  tug with  the beyze, and
               erty  deed),  they  list  the  names  of villages  and  orchards  in  Je-  in  the  long  arms  on  the  right. The büyük beyze is filled with
               rusalem,  Gaza, Ramla,  and  Tripoli whose  rents  and  other  two  superimposed  spiral scrolls, one  bearing blue blossoms
               revenues were  assigned  to the  imaret  endowed by  Hürrem  and  the  other  gold  hatayis  and  leaves  overlaid  with  sprays of
               Sultan.  In  these  documents  she  is called  "the  mother  of §eh-  flowers.  The  latter exemplifies the  saz style of decoration  with

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