Page 34 - 2019 Nov 28 Sir Quo-Wei Lee Collection Hong Kong
P. 34


           A LARGE WHITE JADE BOWL                   清十八世紀   白玉光素大盌

           well-fashioned with deep rounded sides rising from a straight
           foot to a flared rim, the translucent stone of an even white
           17.6 cm, 6⅞ in.

           HK$ 600,000-800,000
           US$ 77,000-103,000

           Notable for its harmonious proportions, thinly carved   此盌通體光素無紋飾,玉質溫潤凝淨,掏膛規整,打磨
           walls and lustruous finish, undecorated jade bowls were   圓潤。良玉不琢為玉之五德,保留美玉原來的面貌在乾
           among the most luxurious dining utensils available, and   隆朝成為朝流。《國朝宮史.卷十七》記載,乾隆年間
           their use at court was thus strictly regulated by sumptuary
           laws. The Guochao gongshi [court history] of the Qianlong   所定「鋪宮」中規定,宮中日常用品,僅皇太后,皇后
           period records that only the Empress Dowager and the   各可用「玉盞金台」一副,而皇貴妃、貴妃、妃、嬪、
           Empress were allowed to own a ‘jade bowl with a gold stand’.   貴人、常在、答應、王子、福晉等人皆不配用玉器。「
           Furthermore, on the occasion of feasts at the imperial court,   筵宴例用」中,亦僅帝王筵宴用「玉盞金盤二」,其他
           ‘jade bowls and golden plates’ could be used only in the
           presence of the Emperor.                  均不用玉器。宮廷日常所用玉器數量龐大,然玉製品為
           This bowl is particularly remarkable for its large size;
           compare a slightly smaller pair of bowls in the Fitzwilliam   此盌尺寸碩大,殊為難得。劍橋大學菲茨威廉博物
           Museum, Cambridge, illustrated in James C.S. Lin,The
           Immortal Stone, London, 2009, pl. 81; a bowl in the De An   館藏一對尺寸稍小玉盌,見林政昇,《The Immortal
           Tang collection, included in the exhibition A Romance With   Stone》,倫敦,2009年,圖版81;另一可資對比較之
           Jade, Palace Museum, Beijing, 2004, pl. 116, together with a   例,曾展於《玉緣.德安堂藏玉展》,故宮博物院,北
           smaller pair, pl. 113; and a further bowl sold in these rooms,   京,2004年,圖版116,同書圖版113且有一對較小例;
           8th April 2010, lot 1884.

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